Monster Hunter: World: Iceborne Update bringt Fehlerbehebungen

Image: Capcom

Capcom beseitigt mit dem aktuellen Update Fehler in der Iceborne Erweiterung von Monster Hunter: World.

Auf Xbox One ist ein 153,88 MB großes Update für Monster Hunter: World erhältlich. Capcom behebt mit dem Update einige Fehler, die in der neu veröffentlichten Iceborne Erweiterung entdeckt wurden.

Zuletzt hatte Capcom mit einer Roadmap über Inhalte und Events der nächsten Monate informiert.

Update Patch Notes

Guardian Armor

  • Fixed a bug that would not allow you to select the Guardian armor during character creation.


  • Changed the design of how certain songs would play on repeat while at base.

Elder Melder

  • Fixed a bug where players were getting the same decoration results when using the Elder Melder’s First Wyverian Ritual.

Quest Board

  • Fixed a bug at the quest counter where the optional quest „Completed!“ marker color would change from red back to blue after save data is imported into Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.

Squad Card

  • Fixed a bug where the „Language“ section of the squad card editing screen would not display correctly after importing save data from Monster Hunter: World.

Hunter Helper

  • Fixed a bug where the „Low Level Hunter Helper Reward“ could be obtained even after failed quests.

Acidic Glavenus „Unavailable“ Item

  • Fixed a bug where players could not properly obtain the „Glavenus Mantle“ material from Acidic Glavenus.

Velkhana’s icecloak

  • Fixed a bug where players‘ attacks would not properly remove Velkhana’s icecloak if it was put into paralysis while its icecloak active.

Radial Menu

  • Fixed a bug where the custom radial menu could be closed at the item box but would remain on the screen and disable normal controls.


  • Fixed a bug where the Handler would keep moving in certain places in the Ancient Forest.

Great Sword

  • Fixed a bug where great sword charges would not trigger charged slashes if the player landed on top of the ice ground created by Velkhana or mud created by Jyuratodus.

Training Area vs. Expeditions, etc.

  • Fixed a bug where the contents of expeditions were unintentionally updating after each use of „Change Objects in Area“ in the training area.In addition to this change, we are also exploring further changes to address the issue of intentional disconnects for resetting the Guiding Lands. While this should not affect players who enjoy the game normally, we’d like to ask for your patience as we look into implementing options that remove the need to attempt intentional disconnects.
  • Fixed other minor bugs.

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1 Kommentar Added

  1. Homunculus 201880 XP Xboxdynasty Veteran Bronze | 21.09.2019 - 19:50 Uhr

    Bei dem vorletzten Punkt auf der Liste werden einige sicher gekotzt haben.
    Durch diesen Bug konnte man die Monsterauswahl in den Leitlanden verändern und so gezielt bestimmte Monster grinden.

    Bin froh, dass sie (noch) keine Waffen generft haben..
