7 Days to Die: Patch 7.0 merzt weitere Fehler aus

Image: Telltale Games

In 7 Days to Die geht es weiteren Bugs an den Kragen.

7 Days to  Die erhält schon bald ein neues Update. Hier sind die Patchnotes:

7 Days to Die [Console]
Release Notes
Patch 7.0
PS4 Version 1.10
XB1 Version

Hey all! Patch 7 is just around the corner and we’ve got quite a few fixes and improvements in store. Check out the preview list below:


* Player signs are player customizable blocks in the game. They allow users to type custom messages for all other players to see. Similar to secure crates, they have the capability to be locked, unlocked, and have a passcode applied
o *Note* Signs will only be editable in online multiplayer and single player games because the virtual keyboard is disabled in local multiplayer


* Fixed an issue that would prevent horde difficulty from adjusting correctly for parties with multiple players close together

* Fixed an issue that prevented mushrooms from spawning in caves on Random Gen worlds

* Fixed an issue that would sometimes stop interaction prompts from appearing when the player would die with a crossbow equipped and then respawn

* Fixed an issue that would cause Air Drops to disappear when a host re-entered a game

* Fixed an issue that would cause using a wrench on a Shopping Basket to yield 2 Shopping Baskets

* Fixed a bug that allowed the item “Banditgloves” to be obtainable in game

* Fixed an exploit that allowed pressure plates to be destroyed for more resources than it took to make them


* Fixed an issue introduced in Patch 5 that caused the grass to be greener than it used to be

* Fixed an issue where the sound effect for closing a container was playing when a container was opened


* Fixed a crash that would occur if player 1 would quit the game right after player 2 selected a character

* Fixed a crash that would occur when joining a game from the console main menu after booting it up from sleep mode

* Fixed an issue that would occasionally result in the corruption of player save data, resetting character data, and wiping inventory.
o Note: This fix will only prevent the issue from occurring in the future. It will not fix saved games that have been impacted by this bug up to this point.

* Fixed an issue where, if the player fell far enough out of world, it would corrupt the save game

* Fixed an issue that would cause an unresponsive state when a wireless controller was reconnected while the game was loading up

* Fixed an issue that allowed the player to pull up the virtual keyboard in split screen local multiplayer

Thank you for all your continuing support! We appreciate how involved you are with this game and this community.


Update from team – Signs will appear in current saves, Mushrooms will appear in current saves but only in unexplored/unsaved cave areas.

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1 Kommentar Added

  1. Liutasil81 17095 XP Sandkastenhüpfer Level 3 | 23.01.2017 - 17:59 Uhr

    Toll, ds weiterhin so viel gemacht wird für dad Game. Eines meiner Highlights letztes Jahr. 🙂
