Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Nikto-Bundle und Patch Notes zum Update veröffentlicht

Image: Activision

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare hat ein neues Update und das Nikto-Bundle erhalten. Hier sind die Patch Notes zum Update.

Das neue Update zu Call of Duty: Modern Warfare ist da und bringt euch Nikto, Playlisten-Updates, Cranked, neue Special Ops Erfahrungen und mehr. Das Nikto-Bundle enthält den neuesten Operator „Nikto“. Dazu gibt es Eradication- und Quick Hit-Blaupausen, die Kosmetik-Tracer-Runden und mehr enthalten:

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Patch Notes


  • New Operator: Nikto
  • New Maps!
    • Shipment
    • Vacant
    • Winter Docks (Winter themed ‘Docks’ 2v2 map)
  • Playlist Update!
    • Vacant and Shipment 24/7
    • Cranked
    • Gunfight is back!
  • New Special Operation! “Strongbox”
  • New Classic Special Operation Missions! “Disinform” and “Bomb Squad”


  • Fix for a bug that could players to be stuck in a “Update requires restart” loop
  • Fix for a bug where creating a custom mode could prevent access to private match game mode options
  • Fix for players disconnecting and experiencing the “TURTLE” error code
  • Fix for a bug where the green ‘new’ notification icon was not clearing off the screen even though there weren’t any new items to view
  • Implemented fixes for various exploits and boosting techniques
  • Fix for some players experiencing a ‘drift’ while using an Xbox controller
  • Fixed two bugs that could cause players to accidentally use multiple XP tokens due to a delay between clicking the button and confirmation on our end
  • Fixed an issue where Care Packages could fall through the roof of various buildings in Port
  • Fixed a bug where players were unable to swap Field Upgrades after selecting Field Upgrade Pro
  • Attempting to deploy the Weapon Drop Field Upgrade at the beginning of a round-based mode would result in the Field Upgrade becoming unusable until the player respawns. This has been fixed
  • Fixed a bug where all tablet-based killstreaks/Field Upgrades have a zoomed-in view when using on Aniyah Palace
  • Made some slight UI adjustments to the base and officer rank progression screens to both have similar designs
  • Fix for watches not appearing in modes with preset loadouts
  • Added a new menu that allows players to launch a specific Trial
  • Fixed a bug that caused keybinds to reset to their default values
  • Friend Request & Party Invite Notifications option will be set to Enabled by default after the patch. Players can disable that option through the Account tab of the Options menu
  • Implemented several settings for the Auto-Sprint option (Always Sprint, Always Super Sprint)

Added an Auto Move Forward feature for Keyboard and Mouse as well as Controller

  • For Keyboard and Mouse, a keybind can be added in the Options menu via the advanced section of Move Forward
  • For Controller, when this feature is enabled in the Options menu, it can be activated in game by pushing the movement stick forward twice

Keyboard and Mouse

  • Improved navigation in the Store and Battle Pass menus
  • Added a Change Zoom/Toggle Hybrid Behavior gameplay option to change which keybind triggers the Change Zoom/Toggle Hybrid


  • Footsteps: reduced audible range of 3rd person footsteps
  • Increased occlusion on footsteps
  • Adjusted various foley sounds that played at a larger range than footsteps during ADS/crouch movements
  • Fix for air vehicles not occluding properly
  • General occlusion adjustments to all air vehicles
  • Fix for knife impact sounds missing from kill cams


  • Adjusted hip spread for the .357 Snake Shot so it’s consistent regardless of stance
  • Reduced flinch on the Kar98k, EBR-14, and MK2 Carbine
  • Reduced re-chamber time on the Kar98k


  • Several fixes were implemented to prevent crashes and improve stability

Special Operations: Survival

  • Various exploit fixes

Classic Special Operations:

  • Fixed a bug where players were receiving inconsistent amounts of XP

Special Ops

  • Fix for rank up UI splashes no working as intended
  • When using a Respawn Flare, no UI icon would appear on the minimap (Operation Harbinger)
  • Fixed a bug where pistols were dealing too much damage against Juggernauts compared to other weapon classes
  • In Operation Crosswind, nearby enemies will not become alerted if a player uses a rocket launcher, causing the player to not break stealth. This has been fixed
  • Fixed a bug where players were able to go prone with the minigun if they get revived while having it equipped
  • Added the reward players could earn if completing an Operation within the playlist menu

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12 Kommentare Added

  1. Amortis 0 XP Neuling | 19.12.2019 - 07:50 Uhr

    Solange alles kostenlos ist und man nicht wie den in meinen Augen unnützen K/D Timer ist alles gut. ??

    • Snake566977 27645 XP Nasenbohrer Level 4 | 19.12.2019 - 10:29 Uhr

      2400CP = 20.00EUR ≠ kostenlos.

      Seins können je nach Map mal Vorteile sein, allerdings die Preise sind für Grafikpixel mehr als frech. Fand 10EUR für ein Elite Operator beim RB6 schon krass.

      • Amortis 0 XP Neuling | 19.12.2019 - 11:02 Uhr

        Ist das so verstanden worden das der K/D Timer umsonst wäre? Ich meinte das dieser etwas kostet und ich dies nicht nachvollziehen kann. Jeder kann seine K/D in seinem Profil nachsehen, halt nur nicht in-game.

  2. xXxTanithxXx 68595 XP Romper Domper Stomper | 19.12.2019 - 07:53 Uhr

    Was war eigendlich mit dem Geschenk mit dem Update wo ist es zu finden? Es ist Weihnachten nicht Ostern, da muss man nicht suchen??

    • ElectrueBeast 45140 XP Hooligan Treter | 19.12.2019 - 09:22 Uhr

      das ist nen unsichtbarer operator…deswegen seh ich da auch nix im store

  3. DrDrDevil 254140 XP Xboxdynasty Veteran Silber | 19.12.2019 - 08:50 Uhr

    Da ich ihn haben will hab ich ihn mir gekauft 😀

  4. XBoXXeR89 61835 XP Stomper | 19.12.2019 - 09:00 Uhr

    Ist mir leider viel zu teuer das Bundle!
    Schade eigentlich, der Charakter sieht echt cool aus.

    • Phonic 244530 XP Xboxdynasty Veteran Bronze | 19.12.2019 - 09:15 Uhr


    • Snake566977 27645 XP Nasenbohrer Level 4 | 19.12.2019 - 10:30 Uhr

      ich Find Cold Blood mega, aber genauso teuer.

      • XBoXXeR89 61835 XP Stomper | 19.12.2019 - 11:03 Uhr

        Ich denk mir auch immer “ wenn man es nicht so teuer machen würde, würden viel mehr Leute das ganze kaufen“ so 3-4 € wäre vollkommen okay finde ich!

  5. snickstick 254465 XP Xboxdynasty Veteran Silber | 19.12.2019 - 09:03 Uhr

    Seit gestern sehe ich andauernt Leute mit Blauen Mündungsfeuer und quasi Blauer Leuchtspurmunition. Weis einer wo es das gibt oder wie man daran kommt?

  6. SnakeForce 85 23185 XP Nasenbohrer Level 2 | 19.12.2019 - 10:05 Uhr

    Wenn man bedenkt, wieviele Teile es mittlerweile von CoD gibt und wie mal alles angefangen hat. 😀
