Beim nächsten Start von Evolve wird euch ein neuer Update-Hinweis begrüßen. Die Patchnotes könnt ihr hier nachlesen:
Patch 7.0.1
PS4 STATUS: LIVE (EU patch may be delayed)
New Content
Wasteland Maggie (Unreleased)
- Tech Sgt Hank (Unreleased)
New Features
- Colorblind mode now supports in-game outlines
Balance Adjustments / Bug Fixes
- All
- Crow, Torvald, & Sunny pistol fire rates now match everyone else in their respective classes.
- Added audio for the incapacitated dropship respawn prompt
- Fixed a bug where AI would still be assigned perks after disabling them in the game
- Torvald
- Mortar Cannon fire rate reduced to 300 rounds per minute (was 350)
- Sunny
- Shield Drone:
- Capacity reduced to match Hank's at 730 (was 800)
- Minimum energy to start shielding increased to 365 (was 200)
- Shield Drone:
- Rogue Val
- Poison Gun:
- Decreased damage to 22.5 (was 30)
- Poison Gun:
- Markov
- Fixed a bug that prevented Arc Mines from dealing multiple instances of damage in a short period of time
- All
- Sneak audible range made consistent for all monsters
- Kraken
- Heavy Melee Damage
- Stage 2 increased to 235 (was 225)
- Stage 3 increased to 250 (was 225)
- Light Melee Damage
- Stage 2 increased to 93 (was 90)
- Stage 3 increased to 100 (was 90)
- Melee Projectiles
- Stage 2 increased to 125 (was 120)
- Stage 3 increased to 135 (was 120)
- Lightning Strike
- Stage 1: Max radius increased to 5 (was 4)
- Stage 2: Max radius increased to 6 (was 5)
- Stage 3: Max radius increased to 7 (was 6)
- Banshee Mines
- Homing speed increase to 10 (was 8)
- Mine active duration increase to 5 (was 4)
- Heavy Melee Damage
- Air Heavy Attack
- Adjusted Wraith's attack to not have a 360 degree hitbox
- Air Heavy Attack
- Spider Trap
- Level 3 deals proper damage on grab now
- Sound effects adjusted for gameplay clarity
- Bugs
- Fixed a bug that would cause Gorgon to continuously teleport while airborne from the hunter's perspective
- Consoles only: (previously hot fixed in PC) Applied the fix for when Gorgon would fall through the world after using Mimic
- Spider Trap
- Roll Traversal
- Increased audible range
- Roll Traversal
- Orbital Drill
- Adjusted to fix exploitable and unbalanced areas

Evolve war leider für mich die Enttäuschung des Jahres…viel zu lange Wartezeiten und ein Gameplay das zum Grossteil aus Suchen besteht…nix für mich