Patch 8.0.0
New Content
- Kala
- Elder Kraken (unreleased)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash that could occur when joining an in progress Quickplay match
- Fixed graphical corruption showing up on character highlights
- Fixed a crash related to graphics
- Fixed a crash that could occur after playing multiple games in a row at random
Xbox One
- Fixed a crash that could occur while joining a game in progress
- General
- Fix for a crash that could occur after disconnect and reconnecting to the internet
AI Bot Supports and Bot Laz will no longer fire if they are cloaked and not being focused
- Fixed human ragdolls not turning into corpses at the right time
- Fixed reviving players becoming stuck or falling through the world
- Fixed damage amp sometimes amping attacks immediately after the amp is turned off
- Healing Grenades no longer rumble the controller
- Fixed a crash that could occur with the Respawn Beacon
- Body now turns into robot corpse instead of human corpse
- Updated gameplay tips on loading screens to be more accurate
- Updated Emet’s 3 star Healing Buoy Mastery Challenge text to be more clear
- Fixed demon core line about Maggie’s death not playing properly
- Fixed VO lines about healing other hunters not playing as often as they should
- Updated all Respawn Beacon masteries and awards with better descriptions
- Fixed some typos for Emet specific loading screens
- Updated localization issues in French, Russian, Italian, and Spanish
- Fixed Healing Buoy sometimes failing to land on certain surfaces
- Fixed Respawn Beacon respawning players outside of the arena in Arena mode
- Fixed Reload Speed perk not working for Toxic Grenade
- Survey Satellite will no longer be destroyed by friendly fire
- Fixed an exploit related to Plasma Lance
Slim (added)
- Fixed an issue where leeches would get lost by changing Slim's heal burst cast to .001 seconds from .5 seconds
Tech Sergeant Hank
- Shield Charger now works properly with Lennox and Daisy
- Fixed Orbital Drill displaying the wrong weapon name while using it in game
- Fixed Orbital Drill audio not playing correctly on occasion
- Updated text instances of the Laser Cannon being referred to incorrectly
- Fix for Tech Sgt. Hank's weapon camo appearing on regular Hank's weapon when viewing Hank in character select UI
Wasteland Maggie
- Fixed a bug that could make Flame Snare take longer to reload
- Fixed shotgun sounds getting stuck on under certain conditions
- All
- Fixed monsters pushing hunters or themselves through the world with melee finisher attacks
- Fixed animation sync problem when monsters cycle abilities quickly
- Possible fix for cases of invisible walls blocking monsters from moving through normal areas of the maps
- Movement speed perk and buff now work appropriately while slowed by Tranqs and Stasis effects
- Breathing sounds now have a standardized range of 20m for all monsters
- Fixed a bug where Gorgon could continue to take burn damage done to the Mimic
- Traversals play more smoothly in low latency games
- Fixed level 3 Spider Trap dealing incorrect initial damage (now 366, was 266)
- Fixed audio not playing correctly during death sequence
Meteor Goliath
- Improved pause menu ability descriptions
- Fix for skipping part of the rock throw animation
- Fixed instances of Wraith's Abduction causing players to fall through the map
- All
- Matched relay health on The Dam to all other maps
- Fixed UI errors during Evacuation that could lead a memory leak crash
- Fixed memory crash related to menu buttons
- Updated some subtitles that didn’t match what was spoken
- Fixed audio of multiple videos playing at the same time after scrolling through the video gallery
Balance Adjustments
- All
- Updated difficulty ratings on many characters based on community feedback
- Markov
- Arc Mines
- Damage increased to 675 (was 600)
- Lightning Gun
- Range increased to 25 meters (was 22.5)
- Arc Mines
- Lennox
- Plasma Lance
- Level 1 damage reduced to 90 (was 100)
- Level 2 damage reduced to 180 (was 200)
- Level 3 damage reduced to 270 (was 300)
- Level 4 damage reduced to 360 (was 400)
- Plasma Lance
- Crow
- Stasis Gun
- Rapid and Charged shot projectile speed increased to 250 meters per second (was 80)
- Stasis Gun
- Jack
- Survey Satellite
- Damage reduced to 500 (was 675)
- Dual Pistols
- Damage reduced to 34 (was 36)
- Survey Satellite
- Caira
- Heal Burst
- Cooldown reduced to 18 seconds (was 20)
- Heal Burst
- Slim
- Leech Gun
- Changed to a fully automatic weapon
- Fire rate reduced to 210 rounds per minute (was 240)
- Leech Gun
- Emet
- Replay Cannon
- Tracker shot damage reduced to 45 (was 65)
- Homing shot damage reduced to 45 (was 49)
- Replay Cannon
- Sunny
- Jetpack Booster
- Capacity Reduced to 70 (was 100)
- Jetpack boost value reduced to 40% (was 50%)
- Mininuke Grenade Launcher
- Damage reduced to 165 (was 175)
- Shield Drone
- Health Reduced to 250 (was 300)
- Jetpack Booster
- Blitz Markov
- Tesla Mines now have an increased glow so they are easier to see
- Meteor Goliath
- Burn duration increased to 6 seconds (was 5)
- Gorgon
- Spider Trap
- Level 1 damage per second reduced to 40 (was 62)
- Level 2 damage per second reduced to 41 (was 62)
- Level 3 damage per second reduced to 44 (was 66)
- Acid Spit
- Level 1 duration reduced to 3.8 seconds (was 4.8)
- Level 2 duration reduced to 4.6 seconds (was 6)
- Level 3 duration reduced to 6 seconds (was 7.8)
- Mimic
- Level 1 Gorgon break health increased to 320 (was 200)
- Level 2 Gorgon break health increased to 400 (was 200)
- Level 3 Gorgon break health increased to 520 (was 200)
- Spider Trap
- Defend
- Turret health reduced to 800 (was 1100)
- Turret damage reduced to 10 (was 20)