Far Cry Primal: Day One 1 Patch veröffentlicht, Expert Modus mit einigen Änderungen

Image: Ubisoft

Ubisoft gibt Details zum Far Cry Primal Day One Patch bekannt.

Far Cry Primal ist ab sofort für Xbox One erhältlich und nun hat Ubisoft alle Details zum Day One Patch mit einer Größe von 564 MB bekannt gegeben. Dazu wurde der Expert-Modus im Spiel angepasst. Alle Details findet ihr in den Far Cry Primal Day One Patchnotes.

Expert Mode Changes;

  • Players’ health has been halved compared to Hard difficulty.
  • Reduced players aim assist.
  • AI shoots faster by 1/3
  • Enemies in combat are not shown on mini map by default (they appear only if they are tagged).
  • It takes the AI a longer time to “forget” you when you hide
  • The aim assist box is reduced for several weapon types (bow, club, spear)
  • The player damage is reduced

Alongside the addition of the new Expert Mode, we’re also making sure to offer the best game experience possible for launch. As such, we’re providing small tweaks and changes through the Day One Patch, to ensure that your time saving the Wenja tribe goes as smoothly as possible.

Other Fixes;

  • Stability & Performance
    • Optimization and stability have been improved
    • Improved lighting
  • Weapons & HUD
    • Improved reticle display
  • Wildlife & AI
    • Improved beast companion behavior
    • Fixed rare animation issues
    • Improved visual of the mammoth when it destroys objects
    • Improved animal fighting behaviour when triggering a fight
  • Design & progression
    • Tweaked and balanced XP rewards
    • Tweaked the damage ratio of certain recipes
    • Improved overall balancing
  • Gameplay
    • Improved animations of weapons on fire
    • Fixed issues with lit weapons during cinematics at night
    • Improved player navigation and small collision issues
    • Improved camera transition and minor collision issues on cinematics



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2 Kommentare Added

  1. chrizzlmashizzl 0 XP Neuling | 24.02.2016 - 15:43 Uhr

    gute Sache, auf Xbox One laggts wie sau!
    Kann mir jetzt noch jemand sagen, was ich machen muss um den Patch manuell zu ziehen?
    Automatisch kommt da leider nix!

  2. Babylove2306 3665 XP Beginner Level 2 | 24.02.2016 - 22:09 Uhr

    Also bei mir läuft es sauber und spiel es schon seit 3 Tagen
