Floppy Knights: Assistenzmodus und neue Charaktere verfügbar

Image: Rose City Games

Für Floppy Knights wurde mit Update 2.0 ein Assistenzmodus und neue spielbare Charaktere hinzugefügt.

Ein letztes kostenloses Inhalts-Update für Floppy Knights hat Rose City Games für alle verfügbaren Plattformen ausgerollt.

Dem taktischen Kartenspiel wurden mit Update 2.0 neue spielbare Charaktere und ein Assistenzmodus hinzugefügt. Letzteres soll Spielern durch eine Option erleichtern, das Spiel zu meistern.

Weiterhin steht ein brandneues Set von Schleimkarten nach Abschluss einer Nebenquest zur Auswahl, welches in jedem Deck des Basisspiels verwendet werden kann.

Schaut euch dazu auch den neuen Trailer an und werft einen Blick in die Patch Notes.

Update 2.0 Patch Notes

New Content

Who’s the hero now? We’re back with our favorite rivals-turned-frenemies Alex and Snarlton! To recover from her devastating loss in the Toggle Town Gadget Cup, Alex is ready to prove her superiority with her new and improved slimes…

  • Play as Alex & Snarlton

    in a brand new Side Quest episode, including 4 story levels and 4 Challenge Levels

  • A brand new set of
    Slime cards

    to use during the Side Quest – Complete the episode to unlock them all and use them in any of your decks in the base game

  • Additional cards for Plants, Monsters, Hooligans, and Prototype rewarded from beating Challenge Levels

Slime Time, the final set of Side Quest DLC, unlocks after beating the Steelshore Coast finale (level 6-4).

New Features

We’ve added a few Assist Mode options for players looking for a leg up while playing Floppy Knights. Turn on one of these options for a little help, or hit all three for a much more relaxing experience!

  • Novice Knight – Start each turn with +1 Energy, Units gain +1 ATK and Enemies have half HP
  • Energy Booster – Start each turn with +2 Energy
  • Second Chance – Once per level, when a Commander is defeated, instead set its HP to 1
  • Resized textures on certain platforms and improved resource loading to reduce load times and improve overall gameplay performance
  • Improvements to move range calculation to improve performance during battles
  • Reduced the amount of screen tearing during some players may see during map scrolling
  • A short hitch when pressing TAKE button on reward screen has been resolved
  • Resolved the short delay on the CHOOSE YOUR DISK screen
  • Copy adjustment on Write That Down to clarify Prototype units keep their buffs on return
  • Changed a spawner in level 5-2 where an enemy could take a turn immediately after spawning in, which was inconsistent from other levels
  • HP nerf to Ice Goopers
  • Call For Backup can no longer be played on enemy spawners or button tiles
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with Roots card, which made certain challenge levels too challenging
  • Resolved an issue causing a soft lock during level 7-2 narrative scene when playing in Simplified Chinese
  • Prevented a soft lock that was possible during the Monster Deck tutorial
  • Units with Protection or Resist buffs can no longer survive glitch tiles
  • Fixed an issue causing some status effect icons (e.g. invincibility, poison) to appear over units for the incorrect amount of turns
  • Players can now use up/down on controllers as expected in the Side Quest menu to jump between episodes
  • Resolved a soft lock caused by playing Lights Out on some enemy spawners
  • Big bosses are now correctly immune to poison and slimed status
  • Fixed an issue preventing Single Use Deployment Zones from being removed from the map after playing a unit
  • Challenge Levels tooltip now appears correctly on the World Map
  • Addressed text coloring inconsistencies on upgraded versions of cards to make the upgraded effects more clear
  • Fixed a bug causing Upsell card action to fail
  • Added some missing tooltips on a handful of cards
  • Fixed some edge case issues with Invisibility causing some enemies to ignore the player’s status
  • Resolved an edge case issue causing the Sort button to break in Deckbuilding menu
  • Fixed an issue where players could unintentionally select 2 cards while playing Scrap Paper
  • Removed a confusing green arrow from Concoctor units
  • Addressed an issue where playing Cross Pollinate could confuse enemy AI
  • Pocket Sand now correctly reduces enemy ATK by 1
  • Various small layering issues have been resolved
Localization Fixes
  • Fixed typos in the language selection menu for Simplified and Traditional Chinese
  • Lava Giant Fingers, Felix’s Drill, and Spectral Runes are now properly localized
  • Fixed a typo for the Russian Floppy Knights logo on the title screen
  • Fixed a localization issue causing some character names to appear in English instead of Japanese / LATAM
  • Blast Processing now has the correct localization copy for Spanish
  • Solved an issue causing stat buff pop ups to appear in English only for several languages
  • Adjusted Troublemaker’s name in several languages to better fit inside the card header
  • Various other minor localization errors have been resolved
  • Added Side Quest playtesters and addl writer to credits

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7 Kommentare Added

  1. ZombieGott79 67995 XP Romper Domper Stomper | 22.12.2022 - 14:11 Uhr

    Oh man wann werde ich es mal Spielen. Es ist in meine Bibliothek aber echt noch nicht einmal angespielt😞

    • Bopp 22410 XP Nasenbohrer Level 1 | 22.12.2022 - 14:14 Uhr

      Ich bin auch unschlüssig, aber es liegt auf meinem Stapel ziemlich weit oben. Die Neuerungen klingen gut. Es wird also noch aktiv optimiert. Das ist schön.

  2. ZombieGott79 67995 XP Romper Domper Stomper | 22.12.2022 - 14:22 Uhr

    Ja vielleicht wird es jetzt zu Weihnachten was. Kommt ja jetzt die Zeit wo man seine Liste abarbeiten kann. 😉

  3. Ookami 23160 XP Nasenbohrer Level 2 | 22.12.2022 - 15:01 Uhr

    Da es auch noch auf meinem Stapel habe, werde ich dem Vorschlag hier folgen und über Weihnachten mal einen Blick drauf werfen.

  4. MrMugle 9520 XP Beginner Level 4 | 22.12.2022 - 15:46 Uhr

    Hä und was bringt der. Wie charackter ? 😂 aber cool das da noch n Update kommt, nettes Spiel

  5. EchoOfDream 4700 XP Beginner Level 2 | 22.12.2022 - 17:37 Uhr

    Kann mich nur anschließen, wollte ich anspielen bisher aber nich nicht zu gekommen.


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