Gears 5: Operation 4 startet heute und die Patch Notes verraten alle Details zum Update

Image: Microsoft

Heute startet in Gears 5 Operation 4 mit dem gleichnamigen Update, zu dem die Patch Notes vorliegen.

Heute erhalten Spieler von Gears 5 das kostenlose Operation 4-Update spendiert. Zwischen 13:00 Uhr und 17:30 Uhr werden die Server des Shooters offline genommen, um das Update aufzuspielen und euch den 9,41 großen Download des Updates zu ermöglichen.

Wie wir bereits berichtet haben, stellt Operation 4 eine komplette Neuausrichtung des Multiplayers dar, in dem es neue Karten, Charaktere, Ranglistensystem, Währung und mehr gibt.

Nachfolgend haben wir die Patch Notes für euch, in denen alle Details zu Operation 4 enthalten sind.

Operation 4 Patch Notes


  • Replaced ranked system.
  • Added new store with earnable currency.
  • Major PvE update. See below for the full PvE notes.
  • Updated Gears Allies to be a more rewarding process and added 5 new levels on top to give an additional +5% XP boost (+15% is the new max in the system).
Name Level Points Op4 Points Sum XP Bonus
Not Yet allies 0 0 0 0%
New allies 1 25 25 2%
Casual Ally 2 125 150 4%
United Allies 3 250 400 6%
Close allies 4 750 1150 8%
Veteran Allies 5 1000 2150 10%
Epic Allies 6 2500 4650 11%
Noble Allies 7 5000 9650 12%
Legendary Allies 8 7500 17150 13%
Heroic Allies 9 10000 27150 14%
Gears Family 10 20000 47150 15%


  • Added 8 shots back to the Gnasher in Campaign, PvE and PvP
  • Flashbangs no longer produce a full screen flash effect, and the radius of the stun has been reduced from 400 > 300.
  • Flashbangs have been added as a loadout weapon
  • Fixed an issue with Gnasher where using ADS while swapping causes shot to fire slightly faster
  • Fixed the issue where users didn’t receive bullet magnetism while ADS if they pre-aimed a location
  • Fixed the issue where players lose bullet magnetism for a brief period after cancelling a cover slide
  • The post fire melee delay has been increased from 0.25s to 0.4s
  • Fixed an issue where players would fail a revive after performing the animation
  • Enemy footsteps have been adjusted to be more audible within the mix off all audio sources
  • Fixed an issue with Disarmed Execution where:
    • The cloth on Swarm Hunter’s deforms and moves rapidly;
    • Swarm Sniper with the winter skin will fly off screen when being executed
    • Various character’s clothes become rigid when they have the execution performed on them
  • Fixed an issue when the player experiences numerous corrections when cover sliding after a mantle/vault
  • Fixed the issue where bots become stuck until they’re engaged.
  • Fixed the issue where ‘Beginner’ bots are using jump links on Vasgar.
  • Fixed the issue where players are able to roll in cover while holding the button to roadie run
  • Fixed an issue where players cannot roadie run on cover after initiating a reload
  • Fixed the issue where AI does not understand execution rules and continues to lancer DBNO targets
  • Fixed the issue where users are able to fire shots before the step-up animation has finished
  • Fixed the issue where sometimes point blank Gnasher shots are being rejected
  • Fixed an exploit in Horde where trading weapons to other users while Hijacked will keep the enemy tuning for the weapon
  • Fixed the issue where a user can be put into an executable state even if they kill the enemy before being kicked
  • Fixed an exploit where players can get aim assist when using keyboard and mouse by rebinding some keys to controller inputs using 3rd party software
  • Fixed the issue where Escape mission fails if the only living player finishes the experience while using a turret
  • Fixed the issue in Quickplay Gridiron where users were loaded into a match with all bots during match transition despite having a full lobby.
  • Fixed an issue in Guardian so bots are no longer able to become the leader even though actual users are in the match
  • Fixed an exploit in Escape where players that joined in progress had a fully-charged ultimate after being rescued.
  • Fixed an issue in Escalation where upgrading an incendiary to a frag causes it to lose its halved time upgrade
  • Fixed the issue so Bots can no longer get MVP
  • Fixed the issue in Gridiron where dying last in a round caused the characters camera to fall through the map
  • Fixed the issue where the Swarm Reject’s Self-Destruction doesn’t credit players for the weapon used to instigate the Self-Destruction
  • Fixed an issue in Arcade where Lizzies/Kantus’ arcade ability “Hot Footed” is causing the player to see themselves jitter while roadie running
  • Fixed an issue where game settings do not show up properly when viewing the lobby list for LAN Versus
  • Fixed the issue where players are unable to pick swarm characters if host changes game mode to free for all


  • Updated Anthony Carmine’s helmet to match the Gears Ultimate Edition version
  • Updated the Terminator model (Rev-9 and T-800) to increase visibility (brightness and size)
  • Private Vermello – Character is firing kill Guds while marking DB Sentinels
  • Queen Myrrah – GUDS – One of her dialogue has a special character appearing in the subtitles
  • Fixed the issue in Horde when using Jack’s Hijack ultimate on a Sire, it does not play any team swamp animation
  • Fixed the issue where the Matriarch doesn’t attack Jack if he’s holding the fabricator in Horde
  • Fixed the issue in where Lizzie can use the Silverback to get on top of any Low cover and out of some maps
  • Fixed the issue when Lizzie is using the Silverback Ultimate – the mulcher takes significantly longer to overheat when the silverback has the bleeding mulcher and healing Tri-shot equipped
  • Fixed an issue with Biker Gary where his shirt clips with pants when DBNO
  • Fixed an issue with Biker Gary where the back of vest clips with shirt when holding a meat shield
  • Update Thrashball Cole to remove the visible gore mesh seam on face
  • Update the Outsider Gary model so the UI head icon design matched the model


  • AllFathers Arena: Fixed the issue where Barriers can be placed on slopes in an inconsistent manner
  • Allfathers Arena: In some map configurations, a fortification can be placed over drop down area so it looks like one stand is floating.
  • The Barracks Escape Hive: Fixed an issue where Grenades are able to pass throught the tiny gaps in the large shutters.
  • The Barracks Escape Hive: Fixed an issue where a player’s head can clip with metal dressing on large pipe near the center stairs.
  • The Barracks Escape Hive: Fixed an issue where a player’s camera can clip into cardboard box and metal assets, on table cover.
  • The Barracks Escape Hive: Fixed an issue where a player’s camera can clip into tarp asset.
  • Bunker: Fixed a UI issue in Horde where the Hologram range of effect is barely visible indoors
  • Core: The bridge interaction callout is still visible during the match countdown; UI is deactivated when gameplay commences.
  • Icebound: Fixed the issue in Guardian where the camera movement will “dip” when user(s) mantle through windows.
  • Lift: Fixed the kill am issue where the shutters fail to replicate correctly for users if the shutter state (open/closed) is different from what is viewed in the victims killcam.
  • Lift: Fixed the issue where the shutters couldn’t be closed after being opened. The map has been added back into the rotation
  • Pahanu: Fixed the fortifications issue where players are unable to place barriers correctly at a single location. The hologram is blue but the placement is always rejected.
  • Pahanu: Fixed the fortifications issue where users could place barriers vertically onto rock meshes.
  • Pahanu: Fixed the issue the often occurred when a player plants grenades onto trees the handle would stick out horizontally.
  • Pahanu: Fixed the issue where the Triton map does not encompass the trees upper geo after re-bake
  • Icebound: Fixed the issues where grenades couldn’t be planted on the ice
  • Pahanu: Fixed the issue where Juvies were unable to navigate the jump up/downs in the cave area.
  • Pahanu: Fixed the issue where there was no water splash visual effects when shooting the water baths in the Gate area.
  • Pahanu: Fixed the issue where the player crouches briefly navigating high cover corner.
  • Pahanu: Fixed the issue where the spectator camera is able to pass into a rock along the border of the map near the cave area.
  • Pahanu: Fixed the issue where the spectator camera is able to pass through: a part of a tree on the border of the map near the swarm spawn and the metal on top of the fire pits in the ruins area.
  • Pahanu: Fixed the issue where the player camera can clip: into large tree asset, near Cave area and into the mushrooms, in Hollow Tree.
  • Pahanu – Improved the ability to place fortifications on the map
  • Pahanu – Fixed the issue whereuUsers will see a prompt to pick up a Markza when loading into the match if they are in the 3rd slot on the Swarm team
  • Pahanu: Fixed an audio issue in Gridiron when playing as the server (Host on LAN) the user will not receive the capture SFX
  • Overload (Horde Tile map) – Fixed the issue where the power tap on the left side of the map spawns too close to the wall


  • Fixed an issue in campaign where the cups in the Village do not produce any audio when kicked
  • Fixed an issue in campaign where the flock sounds persist for several seconds after killing the enemy in the sand skiff bridge control section
  • Fixed an issue in campaign where the Hijacked Leech Control Shown is Incorrect
  • Fixed an issue in campaign where if a Client joins in progress while an enemy is marked by the host, the enemy will not show as marked for the joining client if it’s the first time they’ve joined
  • Fixed an issue in campaign where Fire VFX/particles from killing certain enemies with the Hammer of Dawn appear floating in midair
  • Fixed the visual issue where the knife gets stuck in the characters hand and clips though weapons
  • Expressions can now be cancelled by moving so the player can then shoot immediately
  • Fixed the issue in the Hopscotch executions where the characters wearing skirts, the execution may cause their skirts to vibrate at the end of the animation
  • Fixed the issue in the Cold Blooded Execution where sometimes the executed character will not fall over once execution is complete
  • Fixed the issue where blood sprays do not show up during kill cam after being killed by retro charge or chainsaw,
  • Fixed the issue where the AI on the user’s team will often appear jittery/teleport around the map
  • Fixed the issue where a character’s secondary cloth dynamics aren’t working while being held as meat shields
  • Dropshot: Fixed the issue where the audio is not being replicated between clients when firing the Dropshot
  • Fixed the issue in Escape where the character does not appear in final cutscene if they are using a turret when the experience is completed
  • Fixed an issue in Horde where boss health bar is not full with certain modifiers selected
  • Update UI in campaign that shows incorrect input for Lancer GL for Shooter Control Scheme
  • Fixed the issue where the weapon VFX is appearing on the escalation weapon/ring nodes and the flag locations for Gridiron
  • Fixed an issue in spectator mode where AI/Bots can be seen spawning in facing the wrong direction.
  • Fixed an issue where the Clustluck ribbon is being awarded twice for a single frag grenade
  • Fixed an issue in bootcamp where the ‘Mantle Kick’ tooltip is not being presented after selecting ‘Repeat’ instead of ‘Continue’ at the end of CCC (any scheme).
  • Fixed an issue where stars eared from medals will show as blue boost stars in the post-game
  • Fixed an issue in Campaign Co-op where PC users are kicked with an Error from co-op custom campaign if previously played on SplitScreen game during the same gaming session
  • Fixed the issue Guardian, Bastion and Kestrel enemies have invisible Gib chunks when killed by the Hammer of Dawn
  • Fixed the issue where the Happy Gearsmas Expression has white outline around head
  • Fixed the issue where the Let’s Go expression is cut off when in left most column
  • After completing any Escape for the first time, the widget did not display the % in post-match
  • Fixed a localization issue where UI in pre match FFA lobby is truncated
  • Fixed a localization issue where the Snub weapon skin name is truncated in pre match lobby
  • Fixed an issue where certain menus/UIs are forcing gamertags to be uppercase when it should be Lowercase
  • Fixed an issue where the Scoreboard Screen header is not aligned (Ping, Kills, Assists, Revives, Damage done, Power)
  • Fixed an issue in Horde where scoreboard headers are misaligned during horde matches
  • Fixed an issue with Team Circuit Markza weapon skin
  • Fixed an issue where players entering Tour of Duty before a Multiplayer portion is installed they see white boxes instead of icons
  • Fixed an issue Chrome Steel Vermello – Elbow clips with card art border
  • Fixed an issue where Circuit Board Jack – Omen is green on the card art
  • Fixed a localization issue where the names of some characters skins such as “Grace (Terminator: Dark Fate)” text are placed out of the UI box
  • Updated UI to ensure that Sarah Connor/Grace/Terminator – “Terminator Dark Fate” text is truncated during character intro
  • Fixed a localization issue where difficulty modifiers are truncated
  • Accessibility – Narrator – Narrator gets cut off when reading the first item after backing out of any menu
  • Accessibility – Narrator – Narrator reads the description of Versus playlists before the title
  • Accessibility – Narrator – Narrator does not read position in set correctly on the Key Bindings menu
  • Fixed a UI issue where the round results number is placed too high
  • Fixed a UI issue in the campaign lobby where sometimes, setting up a splitscreen Campaign session causes UI messaging to appear out of order and disconnect users
  • Fixed an accessibility issue where the Narrator does not read out the details in the first tab of each overview stats tab until the user scrolls off and returns
  • Fixed an accessibility issue where the  Narrator doesn’t read any feature pops on the Main Menu
  • Fixed a spectator issue in FFA where the overhead map highlights 1x user as blue while the other 13x are red.
  • Fixed a UI issue in Versus where the ping numbers on the scoreboard are flickering
  • Fixed a UI issue in Horde when initially loading in and the screen displays the scoreboard, players are unable to open the map until gameplay begins
  • Fixed a UI issue in custom Horde / Escape where the game will be left in pause menu while gameplay continues if the arbiter selects ‘Quit to Desktop’
  • Fixed a UI issue in Horde where the Boss and Mini-boss names are not being displayed above their health bar
  • Fixed a UI issue on PC Campaign. In 3 player Splitscreen, player one’s weapons UI is cut off at the bottom of the splitscreen partially obscuring the grenade section
  • Fixed a UI issue where creating a custom lobby does not have 1st map in list selected by default
  • Fixed a UI issue where Omen Blood sprays do not appear for killed user when killed with Lancer GL grenades
  • Fixed a UI issue where players using a mouse to purchase an item with insufficient iron, the prompt to purchase iron will disappear on [LMB] release
  • Fixed a UI issue the back arrow icon from PC is displaying on Xbox
  • Fixed a UI issue where players entering matchmaking are briefly shown the “Creating match” message
  • Fixed a UI issue where players can receive match result error (0x00000c46) if their client is suspended immediately upon match end
  • Fixed a UI issue – Camera in customization menu will pull back significantly if game is left of customization screen for multiple hours
  • Fixed a UI issue where the character models appears at a distance
  • Fixed a UI issue with Splitscreen Text Chat where opening text chat on the pause menu as a splitscreen client steals menu focus from the arbiter, potentially leaving them stuck in the pause menu
  • Fixed a UI issue in Tour of Duty where the player loses the functionality to change tabs in the Medals screen when the user closes the Tour of Duty menu while in the Medals screen and reopens back into it.
  • Fixed a UI issue in spectator mode in Escalation where the Red respawn dials do not accurately reflect the time it takes for the player to respawn
  • Fixed a UI issue in Escape/Horde when in the Character Setup screen the highlight prioritizes weapons instead of cards when navigating right
  • Fixed an audio issue where rolling Quickplay matches sometimes have no countdown audio tick at the beginning of the match/round
  • Fixed an audio issue where the Warden is missing body fall audio in Campaign and all PVE game modes
  • Fixed an audio issue in Escape where the Push-To-Talk feature has no feedback to confirm user is able to talk



  • Added Level 6 cards.
  • Reduced Master Difficulty Health Modifier (Horde and Escape) from 2.5 to 2.0.
  • Doubled the amount of ultimate charge gained by doing damage for all characters.
  • Enabled Chainsaw and Retro Charge against Sires.
  • Reduced Swarm Drone Elite’s Claw damage from 40 to 35 damage per hit.
  • Slightly reduced Swarm Drone Elite’s base accuracy.
  • Increased the damage of the Mulcher from 120 to 150 per hit.
  • Decreased the damage of the Trishot from 300 to 250 per hit.
  • Horde and Escape matchmaking is now limited to Beginner, Advanced, and Inconceivable.


  • Enabled Horde Frenzy in Custom Lobby.
  • Increased Power Decay time from 20s to 30s.
  • Fortifications no longer increase in price every 5th purchase.
  • Changed behavior of Power Drain mutator from “Fortification cost increases 5% every 3 minutes” to “Fortification cost increased by 50%.”
  • Power Drain no longer impacts the price of weapons.
  • Enabled all characters to upgrade fortifications.
  • Enabled all characters to purchase all fortifications
  • Enabled all characters to purchase all weapons from the fabricator.
  • Added the Claw, Mulcher, Trishot, Buzzkill, Salvo, Cryo Cannon and Breaker Mace to the fabricator.
  • Removed the Snub, Boltok and Talon from the fabricator.
  • Reduced Repair Tool price from 10,000 to 5000.
  • Reduced price of the Torque Bow, Dropshot and Boomshot from 5000 to 4000.
  • Reduced price of the Longshot from 2200 to 2000.
  • Increased price of the Lancer GL from 3000 to 4000.
  • Reduced the number of Shepherds and Leeches in Horde and Horde Frenzy.
  • Slightly increased the number of enemies that spawn per wave in Horde Frenzy up to Wave 11.
  • Added two more music tracks for boss waves.


  • Increased baseline damage players deal in Escape by 25%. (Was previously 50% less damage than Horde by default)
  • Enabled Kait, Del, Fahz and JD for Escape mode.


  • Lowered Energy Tap capture time from 30s to 15s.
  • Lowered Energy Tap interaction time from 5s to 2s.
  • Energy Taps now give a global health bonus to your team per level of the tap. +15% > +20% > +25% > +30%. This effect stacks with other Energy Taps.
  • Increased Energy Tap health from 4500 to 9000. (Level 4)
  • Increased the base amount of energy from the Energy Tap by 50% (Horde and Horde Frenzy)
  • Increased the energy multiplier of the Level 4 Tap in Horde Frenzy from 1.5 to 1.6.


  • Increased base energy received when forging the Mulcher, Trishot, Cryo Cannon, Buzzkill and Breaker Mace from 20 to 30.
  • Removed unintentional bonus energy for forging the Markza and Gnasher.


  • Added five new perks based on Hivebuster’s venom cards. (Damage, Damage Resistance, Explosive Resupply, Melee Bleeding Damage, Cooldown on Kill)
  • Added Ultimate Duration perk, which doubles ultimate duration at Level 10.
  • Added Chaingun Ammo Regen perk, which is twice as strong as Ammo Regeneration perk, but specifically for the Mulcher and Trishot.
  • Increased Max Health perk from 30% to 50%. (Level 10)
  • Increased HP Regen perk from 50% to 100% (Level 10)
  • HP Regen perk now also reduces Health Regen delay by up to half. (Level 10)
  • Increased Cooldown Speed perk from 30% to 50%. (Level 10)
  • Increased Critical Damage perk from +15% to +25% damage. (Level 10)
  • Increased Ammo Capacity perk from +50% to +100%. (Level 10)
  • Enabled Explosive and Heavy weapons to be valid for Ammo Capacity perk.
  • Increased Ammo Regen perk speed by 75%. (Level 10)
  • Increased Shotgun and Precision Damage perks from 20% to 50% damage (Level 10)
  • Increased Assault Rifle Damage perk from 30% to 50% damage (Level 10)
  • Doubled the efficiency of Damage Cooldown perk. (Level 10)
  • Improved cost reduction of Repair Cost perk from -15% to -30% (Level 10)



  • Increased ultimate duration by 25% in Horde.
  • Changed passive from “every 6th execution gives a pilfer pickup” to “melee or bleed kills heal 50%”
  • Replaced Ammo Capacity perk with Bleeding Melee Damage perk (Based on Venom Blade)
  • Replaced Max Health perk with Damage Resistance perk (Based on Venom Resistance)
  • Added card “Gnasher Mastery” which increases Gnasher damage up to 50% (Level 5)
  • Increased Thrill of the Hunt radius from 2m to 2.5m.
  • Increased Short Range Deflection from 0m-4m to 0m-5m.
  • Increased Mid Range Deflection from 4m-8m to 5m-10m.
  • Increased Lahni’s Ambush card from 22s to 27s ultimate cooldown per kill from behind. (Level 5)
  • Increased Lahni’s On The Flank extra damage from 100% to 105%. (Level 5)
  • Increased Lahni’s Shock Shield card from 200HP to 220HP Stim on ultimate activation. (Level 5)
  • Increased damage of Lahni’s Venom Blade card from 150% to 155%. (Level 5)


  • Increased bleeding damage on Baird’s Bloody Support card from 25% to 30%. (Level 5)
  • Increased damage on Baird’s Experimental Weapons card from +50% to +90%. (Level 5)
  • Adjusted maximum health threshold for Baird’s Experimental Weapons card from 99% to 50%.
  • Allow Heavy DB weapons for Baird’s Experimental Weapons card.
  • Increased damage of Baird’s Parting Gift card from 50% to 90%. (Level 5)
  • Baird’s Precision Repairs card now works with the Torque Bow.
  • Baird’s Bloody Support card now works with the Torque Bow.


  • Increased ultimate duration by 25% in Horde.
  • Reduced ultimate cooldown time from 300s to 150s.
  • Replaced Feedback Boost perk with Cooldown on Kill perk (Based on Venom Boost)
  • Replaced Max Health perk with Damage Resistance perk (Based on Venom Resistance)
  • Replaced Assault Rifle Damage perk with Damage perk (Based on Adrenaline Junkie)
  • Replaced Ammo Regen perk with Critical Damage perk.
  • Increased Mac’s Extended Barrier card from 2.5s to 2.8s per kill. (Level 5)
  • Increased Mac’s Venom Boost card from 30s to 32s recharge per kill in Venom (Level 5)


  • Increased ultimate duration by 50% in Horde.
  • Replaced Max Health perk with Cooldown on Kill perk (Based on Venom Boost)
  • Replaced Ammo Regen perk with Explosive Resupply perk (Based on Venom Explosive Resupply)
  • Replaced Reduce Cooldown perk with Assault Rifle Damage perk.
  • Added card “Interrogation” which marks all enemies within 45m of taking a meatshield. (Level 5)
  • Increased speed of Keegan’s Venom Explosive Resupply card by 20%. (Level 5)
  • Increased Keegan’s Venom Boost card from 30s to 32s recharge per kill in Venom. (Level 5)
  • Keegan’s Resupply Speed Loader card now increases the size of the perfect active reload bar.
  • Reduced amount of bleeding damage per tick on Keegan’s Shredder card from 50% to 22% (Level 5)


  • Changed loadout from Boomshot/Gnasher/Snub to Lancer/Boomshot/Snub.
  • Increased seconds of cooldown from JD’s Confirmed Kill card from 15s to 23s. (Level 5)
  • Reduced amount of bleeding damage per tick on JD’s Razor Hail card from 50% to 22% (Level 5)
  • Changed the behavior of Explosive Launcher Capacity to be percentage based, giving 85% additional explosive launcher capacity instead of 5 additional projectiles. (Level 5)
  • Explosive Launcher Capacity no longer affects grenades.


  • Increased fortification health from Del’s Reinforced Fabrication card from 100% to 125%. (Level 4)
  • Increased additional sentry damage on Del’s Overload card from 30% to 35% (Level 5)
  • Removed 5m distance requirement from Del’s Long Range Resistance card.
  • Edited description of Del’s Long Range Resistance card to make it clear that it applies to Precision weapons.
  • Increased repair speed of Del’s Repair Efficiency card from 50% to 55%. (Level 5)
  • Improved cost reduction of Del’s Repair Efficiency card from 25% to 27%. (Level 5)
  • Increased repair speed of Del’s Best Friends card from 50% to 55%. (Level 5)
  • Improved cost reduction of Del’s Best Friends card from 25% to 27%. (Level 5)
  • Del’s Best Friends card now correctly triggers when Del is 10 meters from Jack.


  • Increased repair speed of Kat’s Repair Efficiency card from 50% to 55%. (Level 5)
  • Improved cost reduction of Kat’s Repair Efficiency card from 25% to 27%. (Level 5)
  • Adjusted minimum health threshold of Kat’s Top of the Line card from 100% to 50%.
  • Increase sentry damage of Kat’s Top of the Line card from 30% to 35%. (Level 5)


  • Increased percent ultimate time per kill of Jackbot’s Backstab card from 20% to 23% (Level 5)
  • Increased damage of Jack’s Explosive Hijack card from 100% to 110%. (Level 5)
  • Improved efficiency of Jack’s Portable Resupply card by 25%.


  • Added card “Healing Jolt” which heals 90% HP when picking up power. (Level 5)
  • Increased damage resistance on Kait’s Enhanced Stim card from 30% to 55%. (Level 5)
  • Increased Stim from Kait’s Reaper card from 30% to 45% per execution (Level 5)
  • Kait’s Reaper card now heals to max health first to ensure stim is granted.


  • Changed Brutal Efficiency to be valid for all executions instead of only chainsaw kills.
  • Increased Ultimate Cooldown gain from Brutal Efficiency from 25s to 35s. (Level 5)
  • Changed Marcus’ passive from Damage Recharge to Invincible During Executions.
  • Living Legend bypasses reload and gives active rounds.
  • Living Legend now adds 30% Damage Resistance for the duration of the ultimate.
  • Reduced the multiplier of Marcus’ Rifle Feedback card from 0.00090 to 0.00070 (Level 5) to account for Marcus no longer needing to reload during his ultimate.
  • Adjusted the text of Marcus’ Rifle Feedback card to show the exact multiplier of damage for ultimate duration per level on the long description of the card.
  • Increased Marcus’ Dug In card from 50% to 55% damage resistance in cover. (Level 5)
  • Added card “Flank ‘Em” which gives up to 2x damage when hitting enemies from the side or behind.
  • Added card “Headshot Master” which gives up to 50% extra critical damage. (Level 5)


  • Replaced Movement Speed perk with Damage perk.
  • Replaced Damage Cooldown perk with Ammo Capacity perk.
  • Added card “The Hammer” which gives 70% extra damage with the Dropshot and stuns the enemy for 3.5 seconds. (Level 5)
  • Added card “Enforcer Expert” which gives 50% extra damage with the Enforcer. (Level 5)
  • Increased damage resistance on Lizzie’s Rear Armor card from 55% to 58% (Level 5)
  • Increased freezing speed of Lizzie’s Quick Ice Cannon card from 30% to 45%. (Level 5)


  • Increase Clayton’s ultimate duration from 5 to 6 seconds.
  • Increase duration of Clayton’s Team Resist from 5 to 6 seconds.
  • Changed Clayton’s passive from “damage taken regens ultimate” to “50% of heavy weapon damage returned as healing”.
  • Replaced HP Regen perk with Max Health perk.
  • Replaced Movement Speed perk with Damage perk.
  • Replaced Ammo Capacity perk with Ultimate Duration perk.
  • Replaced Ammo Regeneration perk with Chaingun Ammo Regen perk.
  • Added card “Heavy Capacity” which increases Clayton’s heavy ammo capacity by 125% (Level 5)
  • Added card “Serrated Edge” which gives Clayton 35% bleeding damage with the Torque Bow. (Level 5)
  • Added card “Mulcher Mastery” which gives Clayton 100% extra damage with the Mulcher. (Level 5)
  • Clayton’s Heavy Shell card now causes bleeding damage if Reflect Shredder is also equipped.
  • Changed behavior of Clayton’s Priority Target card from “taunt enemies away from attacking nearby teammates” to “headshot hits taunt the enemy”. Renamed card to Grub Magnet.
  • Changed behavior of Clayton’s Ice Armor card from “damage resistance when freezing” to “Freeze with Cryo Cannon faster”. Renamed card to Flash Freeze.
  • Changed behavior of Phoenix Armor from “Receive Stim when respawning after death” to “Receive Stim when revived from DBNO”
  • Increased Clayton’s Phoenix Armor card from 200HP Stim to 450HP Stim. (Level 5)
  • Clayton’s Uncle Clay card now correctly gives damage resistance to Lizzie Carmine in addition to Clayton.
  • Added a 15m range requirement to Clayton’s Concussive Explosives card.
  • Increased damage resistance per hit on Clayton’s Bait Armor card from 5% to 9%. (Level 5)
  • Increased maximum damage resistance on Clayton’s Bait Armor card from 30% to 60%. (Level 5)
  • Increased Clayton’s Grace Period card from 3s to 4.5s. (Level 5)
  • Clayton’s Blast Shield card now gives explosive resistance to teammates within 10 meters.


  • Increased damage of Modified EMBAR from 20% to 25%. (Level 5)
  • Increased damage of Modified Longshot from 20% to 25%. (Level 5)
  • Increased radius of Explosive Critical Hit from 3m to 4m.
  • Adjusted minimum health threshold for Fahz’s Ambush card from 100% to 90%.
  • Increased percent chance of Longshot Handling from 80% to 90% (Level 5)
  • Increase percent of ice damage on Icy Precision from 17% to 25% (Level 5)
  • Increased percent ultimate time per kill of Fahz’s Critical Parade card from 20% to 23% (Level 5)


  • Changed passive from “Recharging Mark” to “+50% faster HP Regen for COG Gear and allies within 10 meters.”
  • Reduced cooldown of Team Revive from 500s to 450s.
  • Increased amount healed for COG Gear’s Healing Bounty card from 1300HP to 1400HP (Level 5)
  • COG Gear’s Healing Bounty card now correctly heals teammates that kill your marked target.
  • Replaced Damage Cooldown perk with Critical Damage perk.
  • Added card “Intervention” which revives teammates within 9 meters of a kill. (Level 5)
  • Added card “Grenade Capacity” which allows COG Gear to hold 5 additional grenades. (Level 5)
  • Increased percent repaired from COG Gear’s Team Repair card from 30% to 45%. (Level 5)
  • Increased Stim from COG Gear’s Get Up card from 55% to 70%. (Level 5)


  • Heavy Preparations now correctly increases ammo capacity for all Heavy weapons.


  • Rewrote text on the following cards for additional clarity: In Your Face, Adrenaline Junkie, Resupply Speed Loader, Modified Hammerburst, Huddle Up, Thrill of the Hunt, Nimble, Shotgun Speed Loaders, Overdoing It, Short Range Deflection, Mid Range Deflection, Venom Resistance, Sole Survivor, Lancer Stock, Band of Brothers, Razor’s Edge, Perfect Condition, Dodge, Precision Repairs, Global Sentry Upgrade, Inspired Sniping, Armor Plating, Long Range Resistance, Exploit Weakness, Master Marksman, Launcher Mastery, Lancer GL Mastery, Custom Boomshot, Portable Resupply, Defensive Tackle, Soothing Warmth, Explosive Launcher Capacity, Inspired Sniping, Heavy Charger, Venom Explosive Resupply.

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21 Kommentare Added

  1. Karamuto 275150 XP Xboxdynasty Veteran Silber | 14.07.2020 - 18:07 Uhr

    So bringt man Robilein in extase ???

    Ne ist schön zu lesen das ein Spiel gut gepflegt wird.
    Und zum Thema Bugs. Nicht alle Bugs sind einfach zu lösen ( leider) und in einem Entwicklungsteam wird üblicherweise priorisiert was als erstes gemacht wird. Bugs sind bei sowas traurigerweise meist recht unten auf der Liste, wenn diese nicht gerade „game breaking“ sind.

    • Robilein 958465 XP Xboxdynasty All Star Onyx | 14.07.2020 - 18:43 Uhr

      Würde mich gerade am liebsten krank schreiben lassen???

      • Karamuto 275150 XP Xboxdynasty Veteran Silber | 14.07.2020 - 18:53 Uhr

        Heb dir deine Krankheiten besser für nächstes Woche beim 1st Party line up oder für November zum Release auf ???

  2. Economic 0 XP Neuling | 14.07.2020 - 18:40 Uhr

    lade gerade PC update 11.90 GB. Ich brenne und bete auf geile Maps
