Halo 5: Guardians: Community Map Update für Big Team Battle und Grifball

Image: Microsoft / The Arbiter's Court by guss br

Es steht ein neues Community Map Pack für Halo 5: Guardians bereit. Die Karten sind für die Spielmodi Big Team Battle und Grifball erstellt worden.

Neue Karten, erstellt durch die Community, haben ihren Weg in die Spiellisten gefunden. Sie sind in den Spieltypen Big Team Battle und Griffball zu finden. Diese stellen wir euch hier einmal kurz vor. Anfangen wollen wir aber mit dem Forgehub-Trailer zum Kartenupdate. In diesem kurzen Video erhaltet ihr schon einmal einen Vorgeschmack:

Zunächst die Karten für die Big Team Battles

Altar by WyvernZu
The largest new map in the playlist, Altar is a reimagining of Halo 3’s classic Sandtrap. Adjustments were made to create a more symmetrical experience for Capture the Flag while preserving the large-scale vehicular mayhem its inspiration was known for.

Halo 3 Sandtrap
Boulevard by alex quit

Fans of Halo 3: ODST will feel right at home in this nighttime urban setting. Boulevard’s asymmetrical layout creates exciting vertical gameplay for infantry and light vehicles alike.

Halo 3: ODST Boulevard
Eagle Square by SHIFTY time

A sniper’s paradise, Eagle Square provides large-scale urban warfare which truly shines in symmetrical objective modes.

Eagle Square
Fracture by Squally DaBeanz

Heavy vehicular warfare heats up the snowy surroundings in this symmetrical map set in a mountaintop research station.

Scavenger by CommanderColson

The rusting hulks of crashed starships create a perfect backdrop for the intense asymmetrical engagements found

Viking by no god anywhere

Halo 3’s Valhalla makes a triumphant return in this impressive remake.here.

Und hier die Grifball-Karten:
Bloodsport by NLTROOO and Creative F0rce

Bloodsport is a remake of one of Halo 3’s most controversial Grifball courts: Chichén Itzá, or „Mayan,“ as some might remember it. Resurrected by Nitro with help from Captain Punch and the Creative Force team, Bloodsport will bring back fond memories and create even better ones. Don’t forget to ground pound!

Bloodsport by NLTROOO and Creative F0rce
Blue vs Red 2003 by JA50N 0, The222v and ImDuhUnicorn

Like the first Halo: Reach Grifball court Bloody Grifball, suspended high above Blood Gulch, this court pays homage to the origins of Grifball.

Blue vs Red 2003 by JA50N 0, The222v and ImDuhUnicorn
Crow’s Court by xNFx Monsta and RBG Persian

Crow’s Court, a monument to all the men and women who died protecting Earth during its darkest hours throughout the Human Covenant War. The court is particularly favored by the Grifball community inside the Infinity’s training simulation centres.

Crow's Court by xNFx Monsta and RBG Persian
Grif Temple by Caustic Kirby

Meditate this tranquil spring evening in the elegant and peaceful temple to cleanse yourself of all thought except to vanquish your enemies with honor in the battle that is Grifball.

Grif Temple by Caustic Kirby

Frontier by CaptainPunch374 and Creative F0rce

A lone ONI research station still stands among the mountains of planet Harvest, somehow untouched by Covenant plasma. The facility was tasked with testing the application of gravitic technology in weapon systems. Test sessions took place outside of ONI safety regulations, with subjects pitted against one another in the outpost’s arena as their superiors watched from the stands.

Frontier by CaptainPunch374 and Creative F0rce
High Charity by Darkprince909 and Creative F0rce

Just before the Great Schism, there was a monumental shift in the Covenant’s penal system. If you were lucky enough to be taken prisoner, and not exterminated immediately, you would be forced to fight to the bitter end for the Prophets‘ amusement. Thanks to the effort of the Creative Force team, you can enjoy all the mayhem this sport provided, without any of the lasting injuries.

High Charity by Darkprince909 and Creative F0rce
Sandwich by Darkprince909 and Creative F0rce

Until recently, this wasteland held an ancient secret. Excavations uncovered what appears to be a large Forerunner arena. Leading researchers theorize that it was created for theatrical productions. But what do those eggheads know? If you ask me, it looks like a good place to smash stuff.

Sandwich by Darkprince909 and Creative F0rce
The Arbiter’s Court by guss br

Inspired by Parallax’s new theme Ascendance The Arbiter’s Court, featuring launch cylinders and a 8bit Arbiter, takes to the skies to represent the limitless possibilities Halo 5: Guardians‘ Forge provides.

The Arbiter's Court by guss br
Underpass by Katanga

Underpass is a Halo 5 Grifball court set beneath a busy overpass in a dense urban setting. The aesthetics of the map feature tall buildings, graffiti, homeless settlements and even a small playground, all contained around the outside of the map. This means no single section of the map looks the same, allowing for players to orient themselves without detracting from the gameplay.

Underpass by Katanga

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4 Kommentare Added

  1. GURK3NS3PP 41625 XP Hooligan Krauler | 31.03.2016 - 20:28 Uhr

    Habt ihr schon Warzone Turbo gesehen getut?

  2. Dr Addy 6785 XP Beginner Level 3 | 31.03.2016 - 20:30 Uhr

    sieht sehr spaßig aus, hab aber noch kein halo 5, aber ab morgen.
    dann werd ich das mal ausprobieren.

  3. Link420 0 XP Neuling | 31.03.2016 - 21:00 Uhr

    Ich finde es schade, dass die Kampagne so vernachlässigt wurde. Klar, sie ist gut und technisch absolut sauber, aber über nen Singelplayer Player DLC zerbrechen sich die Entwickler mit Sicherheit nicht den Kopf.

  4. doggyoggy 13920 XP Leetspeak | 31.03.2016 - 21:54 Uhr

    sehr schöne arbeit
