NBA 2K16: Patch 2 schon bald für Xbox One

Image: 2K Games

Der NBA 2K16 Patch 2 ist bereits für PlayStation 4 erhältlich und soll in Kürze für Xbox One veröffentlicht werden.

In Kürze soll der NBA 2K16 Patch Nummer 2 auch für Xbox One veröffentlicht werden. PlayStation 4 Spieler können sich den Patch bereits herunterladen. Die Änderungen könnt ihr folgenden Patchnotes entnehmen:


– Resolved a rare case where the game would hang when entering/exiting the Tattoo editor when customizing the tattoos on your MyPLAYER.

– Addressed an issue on the main menu where the title would freeze for a period of time before proceeding to the selected action (e.g. loading a MyCAREER save).

– Tuned player sweat so that its effects are much more visible when playing longer quarter lengths.

– Players will no longer slide/skate when pressing the block button during an inbound state.  It was funny while it lasted.

– Tuned crowd excitement and intensity on made buzzer beaters.

– Resolved a case where certain players (e.g. Kristaps Porzingis) would have their hairstyle change slightly when zooming in the camera very close in replay.


– Pro-Am Team Play has been added to the game!  You can now play as a full team in your custom-built arenas.

– Addressed a number of matchmaking issues that inhibited users from playing in Pro-Am Walk-On games.

– Fixed an issue where your player would sometimes appear with the incorrect height (if you had more than one MyCAREER save file) when entering MyPARK/Pro-Am from within MyCAREER.

– Fixed a rare case where the ball would get stuck in the High Roller courts, thus preventing a game from concluding.

– Improved voice chat support in both MyPARK and 2K Pro-Am.

– Improved the animation of the skateboard in MyPARK.  If you don’t have this, get it.  You can move between courts faster than those that are on-foot!

– 2K Bats will now continue to play after finishing a game in MyPARK.


– Fixed an issue where some users were unable to join their friends’ MyCOURTs.

– Fixed an issue where the host user was unable to send MyCOURT invites after leaving MyPARK/Pro-Am with a squad.

– Addressed a number of issues with Accolades not unlocking at the appropriate time within MyCAREER.

– Pressing the back button will no longer cause the game to hang from the MyCAREER NEXT menu after being eliminated from the playoffs.


– Numerous tuning and code enhancements to improve simulated player stats.

– Playoff games (within a series) can no longer be played out of order in MyLEAGUE Online.

– Found and fixed a case where visiting certain submenus with no head coach would cause the game to hang.

– Fans of relocated/rebranded teams will no longer hold up signs referencing the previous identity of the team.

– Fixed a rare hang that could occur when the ticker referenced a previous game result where all of the players on the team have since been traded.

– Selecting to load a custom draft class will no longer cause a game hang in the MyGM offseason if you had previously been fired during that same offseason.

NOTE: All patch fixes will work in your existing game mode saves.

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3 Kommentare Added

  1. Muehle74 46200 XP Hooligan Treter | 15.10.2015 - 10:38 Uhr

    Basketball ist zwar eine der wenigen Sportarten die mich nicht ganz so begeistern aber man hört ja grundsätzlich nur Gutes von NBA2K. Nicht nur was Basketball betrifft sondern Sportsimulationen allgemein. Also wenn da mal ein gutes Angebot vorliegt, muss ich das einfach mal ausprobieren.

  2. Ash2X 270560 XP Xboxdynasty Veteran Silber | 15.10.2015 - 12:59 Uhr

    @Muehle: Ich bin bei der echten NBA "auch raus" aber als ich 2K13 (nach 2 Jahren B-Ball Pause) in die Finger bekam und meinen "Flow" gefunden habe hab ich 3 Monate fast nichts anderes mehr gespielt 😀
    Das ist wie bei NHL: Der Sport selbst juckt mich nicht aber das Spiel rockt.

  3. Muehle74 46200 XP Hooligan Treter | 15.10.2015 - 14:44 Uhr

    @Ash2X: Danke nochmal für die Bestätigung. Dás hört sich ja schon mal zumindest so an als ob man mit dem Spiel nichts falsch machen kann. Das einzige was mich bisher gestört hat ist, dass es wohl kein Tutorial gibt und der Zugang für Neulinge etwas komplexer sein könnte.
