Scavengers: Free-to-Play-Shooter erhält zahlreiche Fehlerkorrekturen

Image: Midwinter Entertainment

Heute wird ein Update im Free-to-Play-Shooter Scavengers zahlreiche Fehler im Spiel beheben.

Midwinter Entertainment wird heute ein Update für den strategischen Free-to-Play-Shooter Scavengers veröffentlichen.

Das Update wird ab 17:00 Uhr verfügbar sein und widmet sich einer ganzen Reihe von Fehlerkorrekturen.

Dazu zählt die Behebung des Flackerns beim roten WiFi-Ping Indikator, fehlende oder falsche Soundeffekte, Abstürze und noch einiges mehr.

Patch Notes – 06. Oktober 2021

  • Fixed: Red WiFi ping indicator flickering
  • Fixed: No sound effects are heard when hitting AI with a vehicle
  • Fixed: HUD disappears after changing the Resolution while in a match
  • Fixed: The Curtain Call icon appears larger than other icons on the Emote Wheel
  • Fixed: Incorrect sound effects were heard when shooting some metallic camp assets
  • Fixed: Players on Recent Players list sometimes incorrectly show as ‘Sent you a friend request’ instead of ‘In party’
  • Fixed: Kali sometimes still visible when using Active Camo in Rin’s Smoke Bomb or while in a Storm
  • Fixed: When assigning the ‘Fancy Feet’ emote to Kali’s Emote Wheel, the ‘Fancy Feet’ icon isn’t visible
  • Fixed: The Keeper is sometimes very bright when viewed at a distance
  • Fixed: Letty’s Classic Backpack will sometimes not adhere to her, making it appear to float
  • Fixed: First text message sent is not visible
  • Fixed: Jae’s Survival Instinct skin will sometimes have cloth clipping with his Maverick
  • Fixed: Loot can sometimes drop in inaccessible places
  • Fixed: Map shows icons outside the Storm boundary
  • Fixed: In the Tutorial, the mini-map icons are always oriented towards the north
  • Fixed: Fog of War should be disabled in the Tutorial and Horde Mode
  • In PvE Expedition Mode, players can reset the Dropship timer by entering and exiting a vehicle
  • In PvE Expedition Mode, the team objective marker is different from the Scrap marker on the chest
  • Fixed: The mini-map animation when some camp chests are looted is occasionally incorrect
  • Fixed: Adjusted sound effects for Bloatbiles when inside buildings
  • Fixed: Adjusted timing for Mother voice line and Level update music when they overlapped
  • Fixed: Multiple Berry Bushes cannot be harvested
  • Fixed: Music from some Emotes still persists after switching to a different tab while the Emote animation is active
  • Fixed: Outlander Shryke cape animations don’t work correctly
  • Fixed: Players are unable to use the Explorer Ability while an Emote is active
  • Fixed: Clouds sometimes look pixelated
  • Fixed: Sometimes there is no collision when the Dropship lands on a player, and the player is able to move around underneath the Dropship
  • Fixed: Red WiFi icon is visible post-match, even when it wasn’t visible during the match
  • Fixed: Storm cloud texture was sometimes incorrect
  • Fixed: Rin’s Title Vanquisher did not display correctly
  • Fixed: AI enemies sometimes spawn underneath the floor
  • Fixed: Sliding into a corner sometimes causes the Explorer to flicker when standing
  • Fixed: Sluka’s pustules sometimes don’t take damage from Explosive rounds
  • Fixed: Sniper glint sometimes doesn’t show up correctly or move with the sniper rifle
  • Fixed: Spectator Mode camera sometimes set too low to the ground
  • Fixed: Splash damage sometimes doesn’t work correctly
  • Fixed: Sometimes unable to navigate tabs and menus with the keyboard or gamepad
  • Fixed: Stun Trap sometimes too visible to the enemy team
  • Fixed the ‘Wiggle Room’ Emote causes some Explorer skins to behave unnaturally
  • Fixed: The pulley systems on the upper deck of encampments have incorrect collision damage, forcing players to jump over them
  • Fixed: Players get stuck after driving a vehicle under the Dropship
  • Fixed: Players sometimes fall through the map after respawning
  • Fixed: Valora’s Devastator didn’t properly track damage for the Deal 2,000 Damage with Shotgun Challenge
  • Fixed: Challenges with large SP awards don’t fit in the Challenge box
  • Fixed: Career Challenges will sometimes disappear and the player will need to click on the Daily Challenges to get them to reappear
  • Adjusted: Extract on Dropship Challenge changed to Extract from the planet, to reflect that players can extract via Dropship or R.A.S.P
  • Fixed: A seam between wooden boards that shouldn’t be visible
  • Fixed: Added missing audio for Warlord execution
  • Fixed: When aiming a weapon, Jae’s arm strap sometimes appears to float in mid-air
  • Fixed: For console, in-network friends should appear higher on the list than friends from other platforms
  • Fixed: Players do not receive the Friend Request notification if the request was sent while they were in a match
  • Fixed: Party Full message sometimes overlaps with other text in the Invites tab of the Social menu
  • Fixed: In the Tutorial, some marker icons do not match the chest icon
  • Fixed: In the Tutorial, the marker remains on the chest during the Crafting tutorial even if the player has enough Scrap and begins Crafting the weapon
  • Fixed: In the Tutorial, sometimes the Outlanders don’t defend the Crystal
  • Fixed: In the Tutorial, missing the tooltip to stow the weapon
  • Fixed: In the Tutorial, not all Outlanders spawn at the beginning
  • Fixed: In the Tutorial, sometimes objective markers don’t appear
  • Fixed: In the Tutorial, an incorrect number of Outlanders spawn during the Storm
  • Fixed: Sometimes unable to repair a vehicle when attempting to interact with the back of the vehicle
  • Fixed: Invisible collision in the Sandstone Graces encounter
  • Fixed: The bags attached to the Explorer’s leg will sometimes float during some Emotes
  • Fixed: The bottom text is sometimes cut off in the Challenge box
  • Fixed: Cruz appears to levitate when viewed in the Play tab
  • Fixed: Damage Indicator sometimes briefly appears in an incorrect position
  • Fixed: Mongrels do not spawn from the kennels
  • Fixed: Downed player message sometimes does not appear
  • Fixed: Dropship light pillar sometimes appears inside the Dropship
  • Fixed: Emote voice lines can sometimes stack on top of each other
  • Fixed: Player is removed from the Salvage tab after being idle for too long
  • Fixed: After deconstructing Salvage, the UI sometimes disappears
  • Fixed: Glass in Dropship door sometimes has the incorrect texture
  • Fixed: After a player leaves the match, their ping remains on the map
  • Fixed: PlayStation UI doesn’t show the Challenge UI when the game is first started
  • Fixed: Pinging a Data Uplink, Growth, or R.A.S.P says ‘Pinged a Keeper Interactable’ in the message feed
  • Fixed: R.A.S.P icon sometimes greyed out on the map
  • Fixed: The UI did not always update after a weapon was reloaded, showing 0 ammo
  • Fixed: Sometimes unable to move the Explorer after spawning
  • Fixed: Vision circle of teammates sometimes remains after the teammate leaves the match
  • Fixed: Several instances of floating assets such as trees and rocks
  • Fixed: Several instances of assets clipping into the ground or walls, such as chests, lootable items, trees
  • Fixed: Neck appears broken when a player is eliminated
  • Fixed: Vehicle UI sometimes does not display players
  • Fixed: Player unable to cross the road without jumping in certain locations
  • Fixed: Some buildings in the world do not show up on the map
  • Fixed: Several instances where objects float in the air
  • Fixed: Instances where a player cannot walk under a building because the clearing is too short
  • Fixed: In several locations, the map image doesn’t match the in-game structure
  • Fixed: Rin’s voice line does not match the in-game subtitle
  • Fixed: When being attacked by a bear, Halden says ‘I’m being shot at’
  • Fixed: Various crashes

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7 Kommentare Added

  1. Mr Poppell 56340 XP Nachwuchsadmin 7+ | 06.10.2021 - 17:08 Uhr

    Noch nie von dem Game gehört 😅 Aber XD sei dank erfährt man es spätestens hier. Hat das schon jemand gezockt und kann dazu was sagen. Bei F2P werd ich auf jeden Fall mal reinschauen, kost ja nix 😊

  2. Phonic 244450 XP Xboxdynasty Veteran Bronze | 06.10.2021 - 17:49 Uhr

    Paar Runden gezockt und ruckzuck war die Luft raus

  3. Ash2X 260210 XP Xboxdynasty Veteran Silber | 06.10.2021 - 18:03 Uhr

    Die Videos fand ich ganz unterhaltsam aber ich wusste auch nicht das es draußen und F2P ist 😅

  4. DrDrDevil 254140 XP Xboxdynasty Veteran Silber | 08.10.2021 - 10:56 Uhr

    Habe voll verpeilt das ich einen Code erhalten habe 😂😂


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