Sniper Elite 5: Kostenlose Multiplayer-Map und Patch veröffentlicht

Image: Rebellion

Der neueste Patch für Sniper Elite 5 ist jetzt live und bringt eine kostenlose Map mit sich.

Das Entwicklerteam von Sniper Elite 5 arbeitet hart daran, das Spiel zu verbessern und so viele lästige Bugs wie möglich auszumerzen. Dazu erhalten alle Spieler eine neue Multiplayer-Karte namens „Urban Ruins“ gratis, Deadzone Updates, PC-Spieler einen neuen FoV Slider, Auto Run und Toggle Aim sowie Updates für den Invasionsmodus.

Die Entwickler verkünden: „Wir freuen uns, eine kostenlose Multiplayer-Karte als Teil dieses Updates zu veröffentlichen, um uns für die Geduld der Community seit dem Start zu bedanken. Die bestehende No-Cross-Karte ‚Urbane Ruinen‘ ist nun auch nachts in den Modi Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch und Squad Match spielbar. Darüber hinaus haben wir dem zentralen Park mehr Deckung hinzugefügt und Bereiche der Karte für verschiedene Angriffswinkel geöffnet, sodass ihr eure neuen Aussichtspunkte erkunden und nutzen müsst.“

Sniper Elite 5 ist bereits erhältlich und im Xbox Game Pass verfügbar.

Sniper Elite 5 Patch Notes


  • Removed some input delay and softened the edges of the deadzone for ‚aiming‘ input. This should result in better fine aiming control.
  • Various fixes to prevent the player falling or hanging through the floor, or getting stuck in the ‚falling‘ animation
  • Fixed general collision issues allowing players to walk through some walls in varying locations
  • Various fixes to players getting stuck on ladders
  • Fixed an issue preventing camera control when a player enters Photo Mode with ironsights
  • The free cam has now been restricted slightly in Photo Mode, to avoid exploits during Axis Invasions
  • Fixed an issue incorrectly allowing weapon scroll when using a mounted machine gun
  • Med Kits will now work as expected on application
  • The Precision Machines Receiver attachment will now correctly reduce speed rather than increase it
  • The Austen Control Grip will now improve recoil recovery as expected
  • Jeff Sullivan’s equipment will now appear as expected when selecting him as a playable character
  • ‚Show Off‘ and ‚Saboteur‘ Medals should now unlock correctly
  • Machine Gunners will no longer T-pose when shot
  • Player can no longer equip weapons or binoculars when using a mounted machine gun
  • Dead enemies hidden in crates no longer continue to move
  • Player is no longer able to hide underwater in the Landing Zone Multiplayer map
  • Grenades will no longer get stuck to the player’s hand when attempting to throw them
  • Grenade arcs will no longer disappear unexpectedly
  • Fixed an issue impacting the ability to use the Grenade hotkey
  • Fixed an issue causing Herr Grunberg’s name to display incorrectly when looking at them through the binoculars
  • The overpressure magazine now correctly lists ‘Increase Bullet Drop’ as a con
  • Enemy AI will no longer disappear from the map when a cut scene gets triggered
  • Booby-trapped bodies will now explode as expected
  • Fixed an issue causing Flare Guns to slow down movement
  • Players will no longer be able to obtain the Authentic Trophy by exploiting the ability to change difficulties in the pause menu
  • Fixed an issue causing an inability to drop dead bodies on pick-up
  • Fixed an issue causing AI to get caught in a consistent investigation loop
  • Fruit boxes will no longer levitate or appear to multiply unexpectedly
  • Fixed an issue in Survival Mode causing the crew in armoured vehicles to remain alive after the vehicle’s destruction, halting progression onto the next wave.
  • Fixed an issue stopping the Satchel Charge from unlocking on completion of the campaign
  • Fixed an issue causing a game crash when already exiting
  • Fixed an issue some players were experiencing where Axis soldiers would get suck crouched in mid-air
  • Fixed an issue causing birds to get stuck in place
  • Fixed an issue causing wind to be disabled incorrectly in Campaign/Survival
  • The trigger volume for Mines has now been increased to ensure they activate in range, regardless of human or vehicle targets
  • Fixed an animation glitch causing an AI soldier to get off his bike after being shot, despite being dead
  • Fixed an issue causing headlights to turn on and off based on the player’s proximity
  • Microphone volume will no longer automatically return to 100% each time a player returns to game
  • Additional minor bug fixes and improvements

Mission 1:

  • The enemy at the boathouse will now spawn correctly so players can retrieve the key and proceed to the next section of the map
  • Marcel’s key will now correctly unlock the floorboard after retrieving it from the building’s Attic
  • Fixed a bug causing the ending cut scene to play too early for some players
  • The Beach Defences collectible item will now appear correctly
  • The kill list target Steffen Beckendorf’s vehicle will no longer disappear

Mission 2:

  • Fixed an issue causing the chandelier to activate twice if shot and then activated via the lever
  • Fixed a bug stopping some players from unlocking the Karabiner 98 after killing Freidrich with a chandelier

Mission 4:

  • Fixed an issue halting progression after sabotaging the Smelting Vat by pulling the lever
  • Fixed an issue stopping some players from being able to sabotage the crane by pressing the switch
  • Players will now be able to exfiltrate Mission 4 as expected
  • Fixed an issue stopping players from being able to enter the building via the vent
  • Fixed an issue causing irregular movement when walking down the stairs in Mission 4
  • Fixed a bug stopping players from being able to enter via the roof hatch to obtain the collectible item
  • Fixed an issue causing the mission to end too early when entering the building near the kill list target

Mission 5:

  • The objective to bury Lanzo Baumann in concrete will now complete as expected on completion
  • Specific to Xbox players, in Mission 5 players are now able to interact and destroy the radio with the crowbar as expected

Mission 6:

  • Fixed an issue causing some irregular movement of the kill list target Jaan Trautmann
  • The 222 tank will now spawn as expected

Mission 7:

  • Fixed an issue stopping the Kill List reward, the RSC1918, from unlocking after the V2 rocket has been dropped onto Dr Jungers.
  • Fixed an issue causing irregular movement on ladders in Mission 7 which sometimes resulted in players getting stuck
  • Fixed an issue causing a box to float

Mission 8:

  • Fixed an issue causing enemies to be appear invisible in the hangar

Mission 10 (Target Führer DLC):

  • Fixed an issue impacting the ability to pick up a crowbar
  • Hitler will now acknowledge the player as expected during a gun fight
  • Specific to Xbox players, in Mission 10 the tower will fall as expected once the cables are sabotaged with the bolt cutters

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17 Kommentare Added

  1. Economic 42280 XP Hooligan Krauler | 29.06.2022 - 08:41 Uhr

    Da muss schon noch viel Map Content kommen, der Support ist ja von Rebellion vorbildlich.
    Es waren nur etwa 5 MP Maps zum Start.

  2. manugehtab 113435 XP Scorpio King Rang 2 | 29.06.2022 - 09:09 Uhr

    Hab trotzdem manchmal noch den Bug, dass er mit dem Gewehr im Zielmodus einfach nicht schießt…. 😂🙈

    • maxl01aut1977 33435 XP Bobby Car Geisterfahrer | 29.06.2022 - 10:09 Uhr

      OK, bin gerade beim Usersupport in der Firma …. mache ich hier gleich weiter:
      RT-Taste defekt?
      Keine Munition?
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Robilein 958365 XP Xboxdynasty All Star Onyx | 29.06.2022 - 10:30 Uhr

      Probiere es mal mit der RT-Taste. Danken kannst du mir später😂😂😂

      • manugehtab 113435 XP Scorpio King Rang 2 | 29.06.2022 - 11:02 Uhr

        Witz komm raus, hab dich umzingelt 🙈 nein, es ist manchmal einfach so. Wenn man dann LT loslässt, schießt er. Sobald man LT wieder drückt nicht. Ein Neustart vom Spiel hilft dann eigentlich immer

  3. Wbn Neo aka NeoX 0 XP Neuling | 29.06.2022 - 09:55 Uhr

    Eine neue Multiplayer Map, Super ich hoffe da kommt noch mehr, weil das Game macht sowohl in SP und MP richtig laune. 😊

  4. Rittmeister 11905 XP Sandkastenhüpfer Level 1 | 29.06.2022 - 10:12 Uhr

    Habe eine Frage an alle die Sniper Elite 5 auf der Series S spielen. Seit dem Update / 13 GB laeuft das Spiel auf der Series S nur noch mit 30 fps. Ist das ein Fehler etc.???

    • Wbn Neo aka NeoX 0 XP Neuling | 29.06.2022 - 14:26 Uhr

      Du da muss ich mich jetzt auch mal Schlau machen.
      Also wenn es vorher nicht so war, dann ist es definitiv ein Fehler.

    • Antennenwels2 560 XP Neuling | 29.06.2022 - 20:27 Uhr

      Hy. Ja läuft bei mir auf der series s auch mit gefühlten 30 fps. Ich hoffe die fixen es bald mal. LG aus Österreich

  5. SanVio70 176200 XP P3P3 L3 P3W P3W Shot 3 | 29.06.2022 - 12:07 Uhr

    Auf meiner Series X wurde das Spiel noch mal komplett runtergeladen.
    Als ‚Update‘. Muss vorgestern gewesen sein. 84 GB. Uff.


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