Star Wars Outlaws: Stealth-Gameplay und mehr verbessert

Image: Ubisoft

Das neue Update für Star Wars Outlaws verbessert das Stealth-Gameplay und nimmt weitere Verbesserungen vor.

Verbesserungen beim Stealth-Gameplay, Optimierungen bei der feindlichen KI und der Reise mit dem Speeder stehen im Vordergrund des neusten Title-Updates für Star Wars Outlaws.

Wie Ubisoft eure Reise in der weit, weit entfernten Galaxie noch weiter verbessert hat, erfahrt ihr in den Patch Notes.

Für den 21. November wurde übrigens das Datum für das nächste Update verkündet. Es soll das bisher größte werden und „aufregende neue Funktionen und Verbesserungen“ enthalten.

Title-Update 1.3.0 Patch Notes

PATCH DETAILS (version 7199763.TU3):

  • PlayStation®5: 3.48 GB (version 01.003.000)
  • Xbox Series X|S: 5.07 GB (version
  • PC: 4.88 GB (version


  • Implemented stealth changes to ‚False Flag‘ and other missions to give players more flexibility in how they approach situations without the risk of failing
  • Improved speeder travel by reducing collisions with objects in the environment
  • Improved NPC combat behavior
  • Increased auto-save opportunities in open world hostile areas (Imperial Compounds and Faction Territories)
  • Scaled ‚Wanted‘ difficulty based on player progression
  • Improved AI speeder avoidance


Performance & Stability

  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash when ‚New Game‘ was selected
  • Improved overall stability and FPS drops
  • Fixed an issue where the game could crash when using the Electrobinoculars on PS5
  • Improved stability with GeForce Now

General Gameplay

  • Increased and improved quest checkpoints
  • Improved manual and autosave features including allowing more opportunities to save in the open world, compounds, and syndicate territories
  • Removed autosave restrictions for combat/detection
  • Improved NPC and player animations
  • ‚Wanted‘ difficulty now scales based on player progression
  • Fixed an issue where Death Troopers would not spawn from search parties
  • Improved enemy AI and combat behavior
  • Fixed an issue where the Stun Shot would miss if shooting from cover when unholstered
  • Fixed an issue where the Boonta Brawler Belt did not increase grenade blast radius
  • Fixed an issue where grappling hook haptics were not present on PS5
  • Improved camera detection for defeated enemies

UI, HUD and Settings

  • Improved UI when detected
  • Updated the keybind for Hyperspace jump
  • Added segments to the VRAM meter
  • Equipment screen now has an option to mark all items as viewed
  • Fixed an issue where the map cursor could disappear when using a controller on PC


  • Made NPC voice lines more consistent with player detection
  • Fixed an issue where there was no music on Renpali station
  • Fixed an issue where multiple sound effects would disappear after completing the game
  • Improved ground wetness/snow footstep sound effect playback
  • Improved airtraffic sound effect playback
  • Improved audio for collisions


  • Improved textures during cinematics
  • Fixed an issue with blurred images during cinematics and dialogue scenes


  • Improved the camera when interacting with vendors
  • Improved camera re-center speed on the speeder

Worlds, Fauna and Flora

  • Increased spawn rates for speeder races
  • Made the Varaki predator on Toshara more formidable


  • Fixed an issue where music and ambiance were missing

Photo Mode:

  • Enabled splitting camera inversion from gameplay camera
  • Added option to disable UI sounds in photo mode
  • Camera speed applies to both panning and movement
  • Enable switching between 16:9 and 21:9 modes
  • Implemented a color picker UI
  • Added a black, white and neon cyan Star Wars Outlaws logo
  • Fixed an issue where some UI elements could be seen in photos


  • Removed glitch effect while using Electrobinoculars
  • Removed directional arrow for Kay’s captions when in standard gameplay camera view
  • Added setting to show a visual reminder of the button used for Nix quick actions
  • New settings from updates 1.2 and 1.3 added to accessibility presets
  • Menu remapping section added, allowing some keyboard controls for navigating menus to be remapped
  • The keys for Hyperspace menu and Hyperspace jump are now remappable through the keybind menu
  • Added settings to invert X and Y axis of photo mode camera
  • Moved menu narration to top of the UI menu & top of the vision preset menu
  • Added setting to stop voice lines interrupting menu narration
  • Menu narration now reads negative brightness slider values, the heal button while low on health, new quest notification, reputation changes in contracts menu, quest tracker ‚more info‘ prompt, cloud upload/download notifications, that starting a Sabacc game requires a hold, and whether abilities of partially equipped gearsets are locked
  • Fixed an issue where Nix sense was not affected by protanopia color preset
  • Fixed an issue where ND5 and Gedeek would not appear as allies in high contrast mode for some missions
  • Fixed an issue where some inputs would have a double action if remapped


  • Fixed an issue where NPC speeders could collide with each other
  • Fixed an issue with the intel location for Thorden’s itinerary
  • Fixed an issue where the Trailblazer’s auxiliary devices couldn’t be used during syndicate quests

__MAIN & SIDE QUESTS __(beware of spoilers)

Canto Bight

  • Beginnings
    • Fixed an issue where Nix could get stuck when stealing credits


  • Underworld
    • Traversal opportunities are now better highlighted
  • False Flag
    • Adjusted the mission to enable flexibility in how players approach situations in addition to stealth
    • Removed some alarm panels from the mission
    • Adjusted the text when failing the mission
    • Adjusted NPC and enemy placement
  • ‚I’m here‘ Intel
    • Fixed an issue where a rock blocking the fan wouldn’t spawn if the player left the area and returned later


  • The Hive
    • Adjusted NPC and enemy placement
  • Fixed an issue where Jet Kordo’s vault would not be able to be opened


  • Jabba’s favor
    • Fixed an issue where Vail would not mount her speeder
    • Removed some alarm panels from the mission
    • Adjusted NPC and enemy placement


  • Viper
    • Fixed an issue where the rebels could remain stuck after the Viper droid fight
  • The Scavenger
    • Fixed an issue where the speeder would not spawn after talking to Temmin
  • Money Drop
    • Fixed an issue where the objective would be missing
  • Revelator
    • Fixed an issue where players could not move or shoot the Trailblazer

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29 Kommentare Added

  1. Xbox117 41760 XP Hooligan Krauler | 25.10.2024 - 13:48 Uhr

    Wenn dann ein Update für die Kackbratze kommt und die dann auch mal aussieht wie die Schauspielerin in echt, dann werde ich mir das Spiel vielleicht auch mal holen.

    • Eisbaer2405 22730 XP Nasenbohrer Level 2 | 25.10.2024 - 15:08 Uhr

      Ich finde Kay passt hervorragend ins Spiel, ein Supermodel wäre total fehl am Platz. Eine andere Frisur hätte ich mir jedoch gewünscht.

  2. ZombieGott79 79555 XP Tastenakrobat Level 4 | 25.10.2024 - 13:49 Uhr

    So und nach den Großen neuen Patch der nächste Patch . Das zieht sich dann ein halbes Jahr so weiter bis das Spiel endlich fertig ist. Schade das dies die gängige Methode ist.

  3. Dreizehn 6140 XP Beginner Level 3 | 25.10.2024 - 13:50 Uhr

    Wird nicht gekauft!!!!!

    Dieses Model von ik hau eine Beta raus und kassier erstmal,um das Spiel dann nach Release fertig zu patchen….nöö…kein Bock drauf

  4. Zockejedekonsole 41775 XP Hooligan Krauler | 25.10.2024 - 14:23 Uhr

    Hab mir das vom Wühltisch gekauft. Dann kann ich langsam mal weiterspielen.
    Wer hier noch vorbestellt, dem kann nicht mehr geholfen werden. Hofnungsloser Fall sag ich da nur.

  5. Economic 54740 XP Nachwuchsadmin 6+ | 25.10.2024 - 14:23 Uhr

    Der Kapitän hisst noch einmal die Segel und lässt das letzte mal nen Böller raus,
    bevor das Schiff versinkt.

  6. Puma 122315 XP Man-at-Arms Bronze | 25.10.2024 - 14:32 Uhr

    Mag das Spiel grundsätzlich:
    Aber nach jedem Update kann ich die Hauptquest nicht weiterspielen.
    Wahnsinn !!!!

  7. Robilein 1038130 XP Xboxdynasty Master Onyx | 25.10.2024 - 14:37 Uhr

    Ich fands zu Release schon grandios und feiere es. Greife es wieder an wenn beide DLC’s erschienen sind. Bin gespannt wie sich die Änderungen auswirken im Gegensatz zum ersten Durchlauf.

  8. Katanameister 38980 XP Bobby Car Rennfahrer | 25.10.2024 - 15:54 Uhr

    Irgendwie schläft mir nur noch das Gesicht ein, wenn Ubisoft etwas patched.

    Echt krass wie mir ein Star Wars Spiel so egal sein kann.


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