Ein neues Build für die Xbox One Konsole haben vergangenen Nacht Xbox Insider im Alpha bzw. Alpha Skip Ahead Ring erhalten.
Build 1810.180713-2338 bringt zwar keine neuen Features, enthält dafür aber Fehlerbehebungen für Gruppen auf der Startseite, bestimmte Multiplayer-Spiele, der virtuellen Tastatur sowie bei Mikrofonen einiger Headsets.
- Fixed an issue where users are reporting that certain multiplayer titles cannot be played due to frequent disconnects.
- Fixed an issue where Groups on the Home screen were not showing any content.
- We have fixed the issue with various headsets and mic not working with the latest update.
Virtual Keyboard
- We have fixed an issue where users were unable to input text via Media Remotes using the on screen keyboard.
- Various performance fixes.
Known Issues
- Gamerpics may appear on certain places throughout the dashboard instead of Avatars.
- We are tracking an issue where custom background images or achievement art are not being displayed on the dashboard when starting the console. The background image is not loading for the user when signing into their profile.
- Workaround: Refresh the dashboard.
Virtual Keyboard
- We are tracking an issue where users are reporting that various keys & controller shortcuts for the virtual keyboard are not being recognized. Certain keys (spacebar, @ symbol, – symbol) are not registering when being pressed on the keyboard (both the virtual keyboard and via a USB keyboard)
- We are tracking an issue with users not being able to select/change options under Device power options in Device Control.
Game Pass Tab
- Preview Alpha – Skip Ahead users will notice that the Entertainment tab has been replaced on the dashboard with Game Pass content. This new tab allows for easy access to the Game Pass catalog and is only available in the US region at this time, so Preview Alpha Skip Ahead Insiders in regions outside of the US will continue to see the Entertainment tab.
- You may see issues with Groups if you frequently switch between your non-Preview console and your Preview console.
- Workaround: Reset your Groups locally on the Preview console through “My games & apps” > Groups, then using the “Delete all groups” button at the bottom of the page to resync from the service.
Microsoft Edge
- The cursor may disappear when exiting and re-entering the app
- Workaround: Press Y when re-entering the app to make the cursor re-appea
Profile Color
- Sometimes users may encounter an incorrect Profile color when powering on the console.
- When the console wakes from Instant on/connected standby with a wired connection, the console may not recognize that the Ethernet cable is plugged in.
- Workaround: Please reboot the console via Guide > reboot
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Bin jetzt raus aus der Beta keine lust gehabt die Updates haben mein Dashboard zerstört konnte man nicht anmelden dann konnze ich keine nachrichten lesen mal keinr spielr starten oder schaltflache fur xbox aus ging nicht..