Xbox Insider: Alpha Update mit Bitte nicht stören Modus und neuem Achievement Tracker

Image: Xbox One Dashboard UPDATE

Der Alpha Ring der Xbox One Insider hat ein neues Update erhalten.

Der Alpha Ring der Xbox One Insider kann sich ab sofort das Update 1802.180105-1503 herunterladen. Jenes wird unter anderem einen „Nicht stören“-Online Modus-beinhalten, der euch vor jeglicher Spieleablenkung bewahrt. Wer den „Bitte nicht stören“-Modus oder auch „Do not Disturb“ (DND) Modus aktiviert, bekommt keinerlei Benachrichtigungen mehr. Außerdem hält es Freunde und Spieler davon ab euch zu einer Party oder einem Spiel einzuladen, bzw. überhaupt eine Nachricht zu schreiben.

Der neue Gametracker-Filter erlaubt es euch verschiedene Einstellungen vorzunehmen und euch beispielsweise die nächsten seltenen Erfolge anzuzeigen, die ihr freispielen könnt. Alle Änderungen gibt es in den Patchnotes weiter unten.


If your console is in Instant-On mode and you have been selected to receive the update, it will download and install the update and reboot to standby.

NOTE: Once the update is available to you, you can manually begin the update by launching the Guide and navigating to All Settings > System > Updates.

If your console hasn’t downloaded and installed the update by 1:00 AM PST 1/10/2018 (9:00AM GMT 10/1), you will be prompted to do so at that time.


OS version released: rs3_release_xbox_dev_1802.180105-1503

Available: 6:00PM PST 1/8/18 (2:00AM GMT 8/1)


We’re excited to return in 2018 with new features that impact the way you access your games and Achievements, how you let your friends know whether you’re able to play, and much more. Over the next several weeks, Xbox Insiders will begin to see a variety of cool new features they can interact with and provide feedback on. Here’s a look forward at some of the excitement still to come:

  • Starting today at 6 p.m. PST, Xbox Insiders enrolled in the Alpha ring will receive the latest Xbox One system update (1802.180105-1503). With this update, you’ll be able to use the “Next Achievements” feature in the Guide, which enables you to view and sort a cross-games list of upcoming Achievements. Easily see which Achievements you are closest to, and quickly launch the game to obtain them. Sort filters allow you to prioritize next Achievements by closest, most common, rarest, most common rare, and highest Gamerscore.
  • Mini Game Hubs will soon be available right in the Guide. With this feature, you’ll be able to access great content for the games you’ve played recently from a Game Hub without ever having to leave the action. Mini Game Hubs provide an easy way to see friends who are currently playing, upcoming Achievements, Looking for Group posts, and more.
  • Sometimes all you want to do is avoid all distractions and focus entirely on your game. We’ll be including a “Do not disturb” online status, which will suppress notifications and let your friends know that you’re not available for another game or activity right now.
  • We’re tweaking the community feed to make it easier to view comments. You’ll soon be able to see a peek of the most recent comment on community posts, with comments rearranged to place those that are most recent at the top. You’ll also be able to see who has liked your comments.
  • To address user feedback, we’re adding additional inactivity shutdown options to the Power mode & startup menu. In addition to shutting down the console after one or six hours of inactivity, you will be able to select options for two, three, four and five hours.

Alongside the updates listed above, which will work their way naturally through the Xbox One Preview Update rings, a subset of users may also see additional experimental features. These features are only enabled for a portion of the Xbox Insider audience to gauge interest and collect feedback. Your participation in the Xbox Insider Program helps us make the work-in-progress content and features coming to Xbox even better


  • Narrator

Narrator can read large amounts of text.


  • Guide/Home crashing

We are aware of the Guide and Home crashing and determined the root cause. A fix is being worked on.
Workaround: In the interim please HARD Reboot (Hold the power button for ten seconds)the console to fix this issue.

  • Games Installation

Some users are encountering where some games that are installed are failing to launch.
Workaround : If the games are installed to an external drive please copy the game to the internal drive or attempt to delete the title and redownload to fix the launch error.

  • Display

We are investigating the inaccurate RGB colors that have been reported when displaying in 4K HDR mode when playing a UHD disc.

  • Tournaments

The left and right navigation for selecting date and time during Tournament creation is currently reversed when the console language is set to Arabic or Hebrew.
Left and right navigation in Tournament twists is reversed when the console language is set to Arabic or Hebrew.
Left and right navigation in the bracket view of Tournaments is reversed when the console language is set to Arabic or Hebrew

  • Avatars on Home

Users wishing to represent themselves as an avatar can do so by changing their settings under My profile > Customize profile > Show my avatar.

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33 Kommentare Added

  1. Dr Addy 7165 XP Beginner Level 3 | 09.01.2018 - 14:11 Uhr

    Entweder bin ich blind oder es ist kein „Bitte nicht stören“ Modus vorhanden. Ich kann nur als „offline anzeigen“ einstellen. Das mit dem Erfolgen ist ein nettes Feature, auch wenn ich das bisher nicht gebraucht habe.

  2. mbs1392 10775 XP Sandkastenhüpfer Level 1 | 09.01.2018 - 17:34 Uhr

    Das mit denn sprach paketen ist so gewollt gewesen einfach reparieren auswählen und gut, weiß einer wo der sleep bzw bitte nicht stören sein soll finde das auch nicht nur offline anzeigen ?

    Vielen Dank im voraus!


  3. Birdie Gamer 136160 XP Elite-at-Arms Silber | 09.01.2018 - 17:54 Uhr

    Mit 1 GB ein wirklich fettes Alpha Update!

    • Birdie Gamer 136160 XP Elite-at-Arms Silber | 09.01.2018 - 18:02 Uhr

      Ups, geladen und nun bekomme ich eine Fehlermeldung bzgl. der eingestellten Sprache (Deutsch) und soll eine Sprachpaket (Deutsch) 36 MB laden.

      • RobbyRobb 52090 XP Nachwuchsadmin 5+ | 09.01.2018 - 18:03 Uhr

        einfach bestätigen das hatten denke ich alle oder die meisten

        • Birdie Gamer 136160 XP Elite-at-Arms Silber | 09.01.2018 - 18:06 Uhr

          Ja, hab ich gemacht und sie startet nochmals neu – War nur verwundert bin seit Anfang in der Alpha, aber ein Sprachpaket war noch nie extra dabei 🙂
