Xbox Insider: Erstes Alpha Update im neuen Jahr veröffentlicht


Xbox Insider haben ein neues Alpha- und Alpha-Skip-Ahead-Update erhalten.

Das Xbox Insider Programm wird auch im neuen Jahr wieder mit zahlreichen Updates versehen. Nachdem die Urlaubszeit vorüber ist, meldet sich das Insider-Team direkt mit einem neuen Update zurück.

Beide Updates bringen keine neuen Funktionen und beseitigen lediglich einige Übersetzungs- und Textfehler in manchen Regionen.

Dazu wurden die Listen der bekannten Fehler bekannt gegeben, damit ihr wisst, mit welchen Bugs ihr im Xbox Insider Programm in das Jahr 2020 startet.

Known Issues for Alpha

We understand some issues have been listed in previous Xbox Insider Release Notes. These issues aren’t being ignored, but it will take Xbox engineers more time to find a solution. We appreciate your patience at this time!


  • Users who have Dolby Atmos enabled and console display settings set to 120hz with 36 bits per pixel (12-bit) are experiencing loss of Dolby Atmos audio in some situations.
    • Workaround: Disable 120hz or set Video Fidelity to 30 bits per pixel (10-bit) or lower.


  • Some users have reported seeing a “Something went wrong” error message with code 0x80070002 on console boot.
    • Note: Please report the behavior while the error code is visible on screen, then close the error message and use the console normally.
  • Users are reporting that Home sometimes crashes and displays a black screen instead of reloading.
    • Workaround: Refreshing Home via the Guide should reload the dashboard.


  • Users are unable to send a voice message while in Parties.
    • Workaround: Send the message while not currently in party chat.

Profile Color

  • Sometimes users may encounter the incorrect Profile color when powering on the console.

Known Issues for Alpha Skip Ahead

We understand some issues have been listed in previous Xbox Insider Release Notes. These issues aren’t being ignored, but it will take Xbox engineers more time to find a solution. We appreciate your patience at this time!


  • Users who have Dolby Atmos enabled and console display settings set to 120hz with 36 bits per pixel (12-bit) are experiencing loss of Dolby Atmos audio in some situations.
    • Workaround: Disable 120hz or set Video Fidelity to 30 bits per pixel (10-bit) or lower.


  • Some users have reported seeing a “Something went wrong” error message with code 0x80070002 on console boot.
    • Note: Please report the behavior while the error code is visible on screen, then close the error message and use the console normally.
  • Users are reporting that Home sometimes crashes and displays a black screen instead of reloading.
    • Workaround: Refreshing Home via the Guide should reload the dashboard.

Home (Experiment)

  • Users may see the images for ads on the dashboard looking cropped or cutoff.


  • Users are reporting being unable to send a voice messages while in Parties.
    • Workaround: Send the message while not currently in party chat.

My Games & Apps

  • Users tile size choices in collection will revert to Large in some sections.


  • Some users have reported that 3D display mode is not working with supported content.

 Profile Color

  • Sometimes users may encounter the incorrect Profile color when powering on the console.
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2 Kommentare Added

  1. FoXD3vilSwiLd 48860 XP Hooligan Bezwinger | 07.01.2020 - 13:43 Uhr

    Haha, der running gag ist auch wieder dabei, wobei ich schon lange kein Problem mehr hatte mit der falschen Profil Farbe nach Updates.

  2. Archimedes Boxenberger 233040 XP Xboxdynasty Veteran Bronze | 07.01.2020 - 15:15 Uhr

    Bin mal gespannt wann wir dann wieder neue Features bekommen. Oder ob es damit jetzt aufhört weil zur series X sowieso ein komplett neues UI kommt
