Xbox One Dashboard: Neues Dashboard 2.0 Update beseitigt weitere Bugs

Image: Microsoft

Mit einem neuen Update zum Xbox One Dashboard 2.0 werden weitere Bugs beseitigt.

Wer das neue Xbox One Dashboard 2.0 besitzt, der wird häufig über einige Bugs stolpern. Die Beta-Phase ist im vollen Gange und auch die Techniker werkeln mit Hochdruck daran die Bugliste abzuarbeiten. So wurde über Nacht ein 412 MB großes Update veröffentlicht, das folgende Fehler ausmerzt und im Community-Bereich neue Inhalte hinzufügt. Außerdem wurden neue bekannte Fehler genannt.


OS version released: th2_xbox_rel_1510.151013-1934
Available: 6:30PM PDT 10/15 (2AM GMT 10/16) 


  • Community Calendar.  A new version of the Community Calendar app is available to download and install from “Beta and Games Apps” in the Xbox Preview Dashboard.


  • Game Updates: Game updates should no longer display massive install sizes (in excess of 100TB) if your console has no available hard drive space.
  • Game DVR : Game DVR no longer crashes in snapped mode.

Known Issues:

  • Apps not launching: Certain apps may fail to launch.
    • Showtime Anytime
    • Every Street United
    • Voice Studio
    • BlinkBox
    • Wuaki
    • NowTV
    • MLB
  • Apps with video streaming or other issues: The following apps will launch but videos or streams may not play or you may encounter issues.
    • SyFy
    • EPIX
    • beINSPORTS
    • GoPro Channel
    • AT&T U-Verse
    • iHeartRadio
    • Media Player
    • VUDU
    • TWC TV


  • Games not launching: Certain games may fail to launch.
    • Xbox Fitness
    • The Crew
    • Nightmares from the Deep


Game and App Issues:

  • Titanfall: Titanfall may fail to connect to Xbox Live.

Workaround: Hard reset the console.


  • NFL Live App: When playing videos in the NFL Live App, the screen may dim after a short period of time.  


  • Forza 6: Forza 6 may fail to update due to an installation stopped error.


  • Skype: Skype video calls may fail to transition to an audio call when moving to the background, causing the call to end.


  • Connected standby and apps: Apps such as Netflix and Twitch may crash to the dashboard after resuming from connected standby.


General System Issues

  • Dashboard:
    • Strange text on dashboard: You may encounter English text with strange characters on the Home screen. This is placeholder text and will be corrected in a future update.
    • Crash on dashboard: You may encounter a crash when moving from the Home tab to the Store tab on the dashboard. Workaround is to launch to the store from Gamehub


  • External storage and moving content: When initiating a move or copy of content from an external hard drive to the internal hard drive, if you remove the external hard drive while the content is being moved or copied, no content will show in My games & apps.


  • System Update: If prompted for a system update while the console is in use, the screen may freeze and the update will fail to apply.

Workaround: Hard reset the console.


  • System Update: Please do not press any input (buttons/triggers) on a controller when the system update is performing as it will cause the update to crash.

Workaround: Hard reset the console.


  • Sign-In: You may be unable to sign in to Xbox Live.


  • Network Test: When using the Test network connection or Test multiplayer connection under Settings > Network, moving the controller analog stick during the test will cause the test to fail and return to Settings.


  • Guide:
    • Toggling the Kinect microphone for chat in Guide Quick Settings will cause the Guide to become unresponsive. You can toggle the Kinect microphone for chat in the Settings app.
    • Voice commands currently do not function in Guide.


  • Store:
    • You may be unable to navigate to certain areas of the Store using voice commands.
    • Preordered games may display as fully installed and no longer have a “Preorder” designation in My games & apps.


  • Disc Installations:
    • Certain games may fail to install from a disc if auto launch is disabled.

Workaround: Enable auto launch in Settings.

  • If installing a disc based game while no one is signed in on the console, launching the game will cause the game to start, but crash to a black screen shortly after.


  • Sign-in, security & passkey: If you have enabled passkey or password protection for Settings, you may experience issues accessing certain sections of Settings.

Workaround: Navigate to Settings > Account > Sign-in, security & passkey and update your configuration. If you have trouble accessing this section in Settings, hard reset your console.


  • Browser: Snapping any combination of Edge, Youtube, or the Blu-ray player next to each other will cause you to be unable to return to the Home screen or bring up the power menu. These apps will function normally in full screen mode.

Workaround: If your console does become stuck in this state, perform a hard reset.


  • Virtual Keyboard: The virtual keyboard may not function when attempting to browse in Edge.


  • Black Screen: Your console may start up with just a black screen, or you may encounter a black screen when using the Xbox button to return Home from a game or app.

Workaround: Hard reset the console.


  • Sign-In: You may be unable to sign in to Xbox Live.


  • Snap Center: When YouTube is snapped, it may share input with the home screen.


  • Global speech overlay:
    • Suggestions is not currently present in Global Speech Overlay.
    • Contextual commands is not currently present in Global Speech Overlay.


  • HDMI-In: You may experience a black screen when using a device via HDMI-in, even if this device is not a cable or set-top box.

Workaround: Run through the initial TV set-up and configure for a TV provider even if you don’t have a TV provider.


  • My Games & Apps: My games & apps may crash if switching quickly between Apps and Queue or Games and Queue.


  • System Update Errors: If you encounter an update error screen while downloading a system update and the console freezes, please wait 3 minutes before rebooting the console to ensure crash data is automatically captured.


  • Notifications: Friends do not receive game toast notifications.


  • Season passes: In a small number of cases, users with season passes may find that they aren’t recognized by the game.

Workaround: Uninstall your other season passes and re-install the season pass you wish to use.


  • Upload Studio:
    • Upload studio may become unresponsive when navigating to Game DVR and pressing B to go back.
    • You may encounter a crash when adding Kinect video or audio.
    • You may encounter a crash when trimming clips.


  • Xbox One Media Remote: When resuming from connected standby the Xbox One media remote may fail to send commands; a hard reset resolves this.


  • USB TV Tuner:
    • If you have a USB TV Tuner plugged into your Xbox One console, Windows and Windows Phone SmartGlass devices will crash when attempting to connect to the console. To avoid this, you can switch to the Xbox App on Windows 10 or reset your TV settings and avoid setting up the USB TV Tuner.
    • Australian users may encounter a “Blocked Content” error on all channels when using the USB TV Tuner.


  • Third Party Peripherals:
    • Racing wheels, instruments, and other similar peripherals cannot be used to navigate home or system dialogs.
    • Instruments (for Rock Band 4 and other music titles) may cause the screen to dim after a short period of time.


  • Wireless Networking:
    • You may encounter a “wireless network hardware on this console is not working” error when connecting to Xbox Live with a wireless connection.
    • You may be unable to detect wireless networks with an external hard drive attached.

Workaround: While the console is off, disconnect the external hard drive, power on the console, connect to the wireless network, and reconnect the external hard drive.


  • Live TV Issues:
    • The OneGuide pin doesn’t function. You can launch OneGuide using the app, voice commands, or from the OneGuide twist.
    • With boot to TV enabled, the console may fail to boot to TV in full screen, and instead will run in a window on the dashboard.
    • When resuming from connected standby, Live TV may start with no audio.

Workaround: Hard reset the console, or, unplug and replug the HDMI cable to the console’s HDMI-in.

  • You may experience a stuck frame streaming TV to the Xbox App. You can enter OneGuide or resize your window to restore video playback.
  • The media transport controls do not work when streaming TV to SmartGlass and Xbox app clients.


  • Xbox App/SmartGlass Issues
    • SmartGlass and Xbox App Live TV/OneGuide: You may experience issues connecting to Live TV or OneGuide when connecting to the console with SmartGlass.

Workaround: Set your SmartGlass connection to auto connect, quit the app, and restart. If the issue persists, hard reset the console.




We have all new content for you, so be sure to check out the Preview Dashboard app for more details! In particular, we would love for you to focus on the following two quests:

  • Can You See It? This quest will ask you to try out the new guide and let us know if it appears properly on your TV.
  • *OneGuide on NXOE: All about the new OneGuide area on the New Xbox One Experience Dashboard. Tell us what you think!

    *Quest available in the following locales: US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Mexico, Brazil


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9 Kommentare Added

  1. EviL Rancor 5630 XP Beginner Level 3 | 16.10.2015 - 09:21 Uhr


  2. Croatoan385 0 XP Neuling | 16.10.2015 - 09:40 Uhr

    Jaman vieles läuft nun besser,
    Aber der Browser zickt immer noch bissi rum:/
    Also Immer schön Feedback geben Jungs ??????

  3. Michu0609 18005 XP Sandkastenhüpfer Level 4 | 16.10.2015 - 10:04 Uhr

    Geiler Beta Support!!

  4. Heinerrich 795 XP Neuling | 16.10.2015 - 10:41 Uhr

    Bin leider immer noch im Status 'Pending'.

    Kann mir jemand vielleicht sagen, ob sich am MediaPlayer etwas geändert hat? Geht dieser endlich in Richtung 'Media Center'? War irgendwie immer ein Kaufargument für die XBO (Multimediakonsole) und wurde dann aber doch davon enttäuscht. Filme von der HDD abspielen geht. Vor und Zurückspulen geht mehr schlecht als recht (kein Bildlauf). und löschen von Dateien geht auch nicht. :/ Habe immer gehofft ich kann meinen RasperryPi dann einmotten, da dieser mit der HDMI CEC Steuerung sporadisch Probleme hat und nicht ganz Frau- und Kinderfreundlich ist.

  5. Hogi86 25930 XP Nasenbohrer Level 3 | 16.10.2015 - 10:51 Uhr

    Immer her mit den Updates

  6. Ash2X 266800 XP Xboxdynasty Veteran Silber | 16.10.2015 - 11:00 Uhr

    Das sind übrigens noch die Patchchnotes vom vorigen Update – ausprobieren lohnt sich also.

  7. EktomorfRoman 50045 XP Nachwuchsadmin 5+ | 16.10.2015 - 13:00 Uhr

    Sehr gut ist noch ziemlich Buggy alles auch das Feedback und probleme senden find ich zu umständlich. Twitch installiert bei mir nicht bzw. updatet nicht und manche sachen sind in arabisch oder so 😀

  8. MuddaTui 61675 XP Stomper | 16.10.2015 - 17:56 Uhr

    Wenigstens meldet sich mein Baby wieder selbstständig an, aber diese komische Glyphensprache hab ich immer noch.

  9. RUS SpezNaz 0 XP Neuling | 16.10.2015 - 22:52 Uhr

    Es ist mit dem Update auch besser lokalisiert worden, ist aber immer noch an vielen Stellen mit Platzhaltern (da die Amis ja das bekannte Problem mit UTF-8 haben) versehen. Ist aber ein Indiz das daran gearbeitet wird.
