Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition: Details zu Update 13

In Minecraft für Xbox 360 tummeln sich einige komische Gestalten. Zum Beispiel gibt es völlig durchgeknallte Hühner und Katzen im Spiel. Diese Kreaturen scheinen wahnsinnig geworden zu sein und drehen völlig am Rad. Damit eure…

In Minecraft für Xbox 360 tummeln sich einige komische Gestalten. Zum Beispiel gibt es völlig durchgeknallte Hühner und Katzen im Spiel. Diese Kreaturen scheinen wahnsinnig geworden zu sein und drehen völlig am Rad. Damit eure Welt bald wieder von normalen Tieren bewohnt wird, gibt es schon bald ein neues Update zu Minecraft für Xbox 360.

Folgend die Liste aller Fixes:

– Fix to generate Experience Orbs when breeding animals.

– Fix for Zombie AI when in a house with the door closed.

– Fix for Ocelot and Chicken AI problem causing heads to spin around.

– Fix for Ocelot tooltips not properly showing the actions available.

– Added sounds for hitting Ocelots.

– Fix for graphical glitch with Fences.

– Fix for graphical issue with upside down Pistons.

– Fixed water in a Cauldron to be still, not flowing.

– Fixed world generation problems with some seeds (e.g 'journey').

– Added message saying you can't spawn enemies in Peaceful mode.

– Raw Fish is no longer removed from the player's inventory when trying to tame an Ocelot in Creative mode.

– Water will no longer be removed from a Water Bucket when filling a Cauldron in Creative Mode.

– Fix for missing text in the message when a player is killed by an Iron Golem.

– Fix for player shadow being displayed in the Inventory menu.

– Fixed some lighting issues.

– Fixed an issue with light and fire remaining after a lightning strike.

– Made Jungle Wood Stairs flammable.

– Fixed Silk Touch not working on Glass Blocks.

– Fix for underwater filter when camera collides with blocks.

– Added an option to hide a Mash-up Pack Themed World in the saves list, and an option to unhide all in the Settings menu.

– Increased Minecart speed to double the normal speed.

– Fixed some Redstone Lamp issues.

– Chests won't open now if a Cat is sitting on them.

– Added a limit to the number of Villagers spawned by breeding.

– Added the hearts display when Villagers enter 'Love Mode'.

– Fixed a problem with the rain sound not playing in some biomes.

– Fix for re-appearing ores, lava and water after mining, if they are within five blocks from the world edge.

– Fixed spawn positions in a saved Mash-up Pack world.

– Fixed issue with a map placed in an item frame revealing the position of all players despite 'In-Game Gamertags' having been disabled.

– Minecraft Store now displays the prices in the local currency, rather than Microsoft Points.


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11 Kommentare Added

  1. BuendelKap 0 XP Neuling | 23.09.2013 - 00:00 Uhr

    Hört sich gut an und wird demnächst mal wieder gespielt. 🙂
