Madden NFL 16 Spieler dürfen sich über ein neues umfangreiches Update freuen. Dieses beseitigt zahlreiche Bugs, die ihr euch in der folgenden Patch-Liste anschauen könnt:
- Addressed issue where if a team called a time out on the safety punt, they would then be able to kick a regular kickoff
- Addressed issue where sometimes a defender would have a poor pursuit angle toward the ball carrier if the ball carrier was breaking a tackle during a catch
- Addressed issue where sometimes defensive linemen would freeze for the remainder of the play after being knocked to the ground
- Addressed issue where the defense would not adjust alignment if the CPU controlled offensive team enacted a concept audible
- Updated Individual Coverage adjustments to not only affect the pre-snap shading but also the post play leverage technique
- Addressed issue where adjusting the ZONE shading would have an effect on the defenders drop location instead of just the leverage technique
- Addressed issue where cancelling a PA Fake would allow for a 1-step drop on certain plays
- Addressed issue where the game clock would be restarted of a declined penalty after an incomplete pass
- Addressed issue where safeties in Cover 4 Deep assignments were reacting to run too quickly
- Addressed issue where defensive holding slider would reset when exiting the screen
- Addressed issue where accelerated clock would not work in H2H CFM games
- Addressed issue where visual feedback settings were pulling from the user’s profile instead of league settings
- Addressed issue where some settings would carry back to the FE after playing a CFM game
- Addressed issue where the CPU would retain an empty roster spot when simming to the regular season when there is a player on Injured Reserve (note: changes aren’t reflected until after your current season is finished)
- Addressed issue where the user could not sort player while in the Fantasy draft board
- Removed Kick Return as a scoutable trait (note: changes won’t be reflected until after your current season is finished)
- CFM Trade tuning
- Addressed issue in CFM H2H where uniforms would change back to default home/away even after changing them in the team select screen
- Addressed a rare issue that caused some Franchise files to be corrupted, preventing players from accessing their CFM (note: this won’t repair already corrupted files, and only prevents future occurrences)
- MUT Play a Friend quarter length boosted to four minutes from two minutes
- In MUT H2H Seasons and Draft Champions H2H Draft, terminating the game during the load screen will give the quitter a loss and the opponent a win. In MUT, Contracts will still be removed.
- Play Now games were using regular season overtime rules rather than playoff overtime rules (removed possibility for ties)
- Addressed issue in online games where the defensive timer would run out during a pause causing the game to auto pick the defensive play
- Addressed over 100 general bug and stability issues
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Find das super, dass hier schön gepatched wird. Ich hab das Game seit Release und wenns hoch kommt vllt ne Stunde gezockt 😀 Ich hab also keine Fehler bemerkt aber gut dass sie raus sind 😀