CrossfireX: Neue Karten, Event Pass und mehr im Babylon-Update

Image: Smilegate

CrossfireX hat mit dem umfangreichen Babylon-Update neue Karten, einen Event Pass und mehr erhalten.

Das bisher größte Update für CrossfireX ist jetzt mit zwei neuen Karten, einem neuen Event Battle Pass und mehr.

Neue Occupation-Karte: Babylon (Modern)

Babylon ist die eine neue Occupation-Karte für den Modern-Modus von CrossfireX. Spieler erleben dort ein riesiges 15vs15-Schlachtfeld mit drei Punkten, die es zu erobern gilt. Auf der Karte können Spieler Mechs steuern, Hubschraubertürme einsetzen und sogar Luftangriffe von der riesigen mechanischen Tarantel der Karte anfordern.

Neue Search & Destroy-Karte: Satellite (Modern und Classic)

Die Karte Satellite ist in einem großen Gelände gelegen, wo verschiedene Angriffsrouten den Kampf durch Lagerhäuser und über Dächer führen. Hier kann außerdem die Transportschiff-Team-Deathmatch-Karte im Modernen Modus sowie die wiederkehrende, zeitlich begrenzte Messer-TDM-Karte im Klassischen Modus erlebt werden.

Der Entwickler hat außerdem eine komplette Überarbeitung der Menüoberfläche vorgenommen. Änderungen an der UX/UI sorgen für eine bessere Spielerfahrung. So gibt es eine verbesserte Hauptlobby, zusätzliche Benutzerhandbücher und ein neues Design für den Ingame-Shop.

Auf Spieler wartet zudem ein neuer Event-Battle-Pass. Mit bis zu 6 kostenlosen Waffenskins, Boosts, Premiumwährung (CFP) und Ingame-Währung (GP) zum freischalten. Nutzt auch das Event Pass XP Boost Event, um Belohnungen schneller zu erhalten.

Bis zum 28. August können Spieler weiterhin das Schmuggelwarenpaket kostenlos über den Microsoft Store anfordern. Es enthält zwei Waffen-Skins und ein Accessoire.

Zusätzlich können sich Xbox Game Pass Ultimate-Mitglieder einen exklusiven CrossfireX Ultimate Perk sichern. Navigiert dazu zum Game Pass-Bereich auf der Xbox-Konsole, sucht das CrossfireX Perk-Angebot und folgt den Anweisungen.

Zum Babylon-Update haben wir nachstehend noch die offiziellen Patch Notes sowie einen Trailer, der euch die neuen Inhalte zeigt.

Babylon-Update Patch Notes

NEW MAP: BABYLON – Occupation (Modern)

– Experience CrossfireX like never before with our largest map yet! Engage in 15v15 including brand new features such as pilotable vehicles, controllable turrets, equipment supply crates and more as you fight to defend your faction’s territory.

– Provide fire support for your team by capturing the unique Tarantula control point. Doing so will unleash a devastating missile strikes across the map, allowing your faction to press the attack.


NEW MAP: SATELLITE – Search & Destroy (Classic & Modern)

– Set within a military compound, different routes of attack will take the fight through warehouses and alleyways.


NEW Event Battle Pass is now active! Take advantage with the start of a new EXP boost event, running for a limited time only!

– Start earning progress towards various exclusive skins, boosts, and currency unlocks in this FREE battle pass!

– Earn 100% additional experience towards all Battle Pass progress until September 28.

Also earn bonus EXP/GP based on the following:

• Weekdays – 30% EXP/GP Boost (Monday 07:00 UTC to Friday 17:59 UTC)

• Weekends – 100% EXP/GP Boost (Friday 18:00 UTC to Monday 06:59 UTC)


Submarine – Melee Team Deathmatch (Event)

– The mayhem returns! Jump back into Submarine and put your melee skills to the test in this limited time mode.

– EVENT MISSION: Complete 3/3/4 matches on Submarine to earn 3000/3000/4000 GP!


Transport Ship (Modern) has been added!

– Players will now be able to queue into Transport Ship via the Modern Team Deathmatch playlist!


Valley has moved to the regular playlists:

– Valley (Modern) has been moved to the Modern – Team Deathmatch playlist.

– Valley (Classic) has been moved to the Classic – Team Deathmatch playlist.


NEW WEAPONS have been added:

– KALASH-LMG (Primary / LMG): 2,000 GP

– Model 1903 (Primary / Sniper): 2,000 GP

– HAMMER Mk. II (Primary / Shotgun): 2,000 GP

– AP-45 (Secondary / Pistol): 1,000 GP


A new Play Event is now active via the MISSION screen in-game:

Rise of Babylon: Play on the new BABYLON map for 100 MINUTES to receive:

– KALASH-103 Alpine Strike (Weapon + Skin)


NEW Xbox Game Pass Ultimate member reward now available!

– Starting today, XGPU members can claim an exclusive bundle containing 1200 CFP and a unique weapon skin: B.C-Axe “Project X”

– Be sure to claim yours before October 23


NEW cosmetic bundles have been added to the in-game shop!

Arms Dealer Pack – 2950 CFP:

– AP-15 Gold Carbon

– EAGLE 50 Cartel

– KUKRI Dynamic Pearl

– Western 40mm HE Accessory


Venomous Pack – 1600 CFP:

– SG1212 Venom

– HM3 Venom


Undercover Agent Pack – 600 CFP:

– PWC Camo Net

– KALASH-47 Camo


NEW exclusive bundles have been added to the Microsoft Store!

Smuggled Goods Package – FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME!

(Ends August 29 and then changes to $9.99 USD):

– SPR-12 Smoke-35 (Weapon + Skin)

– VN60 Forest Camo (Weapon + Skin)



QUICKPLAY has been added – You can now queue for multiple modes at the same time!

– Using the Quickplay Settings menu, you can now select multiple modes within either Modern or Classic to queue for simultaneously.

– You cannot queue for both Modern & Classic modes at the same time.

– Select the ‘QUICKPLAY’ button on the PLAY screen to queue based on your saved settings.


Queueing from the EVENT playlist will now matchmake with Classic & Modern mode pools 

– This means players that who queue into individual EVENT maps will be matched with players that queued via regular mode-based matchmaking and earn progress towards the event.


The “Flinching” mechanic that occurs when taking damage has been modified to a camera tilt effect

– This change should result in a much less frustrating experience when attempting to fire back at an opponent who’s sending shots your way.


The ‘Standard’ Aim Response Curve option has been modified slightly to be more consistent:

– The middle portion of the curve has been toned down, this should help more with precision aiming.

– As always, let us know your feedback on the change through our social channels such as Discord!


Weapon Balance:

The following weapons have received slight balance changes to be more consistent in terms of body part damage, armor penetration, and damage drop off.



– GSMG-45




The main lobby UI has received a complete overhaul! 

The following elements have been updated:

– Added buttons for the newly added Quickplay feature as well as the Quickplay Settings menu.

– A button that navigates to the gameplay guides has been added to the PLAY screen UI.

– Store and Black Market UI have received updates to improve user experience.

– Added video clips to the background UI that better highlights the differences between the modes.

– Various sound effects have been added/changed to match the updated visuals.


Added customization options for the in-game Radar (minimap) to the ‚OPTIONS – GAME’ menu:

– Options: Radar Size, Radar Magnification, Radar Rotation




A REMATCH feature has been added!

– At the end of match results screen, a rematch vote will be available. If the minimum required players vote to rematch, a new match will begin.

– The match results screen has also been updated to allow you to re-queue into your saved quickplay configuration or immediately exit back to the main lobby.

– The Matchmaking system has been updated to allow queues to exceed 5 minutes before timing out.


– Expanded the system sound channel to address issues where audio often breaks or does not output properly when multiple players are engaged in combat.

– Improved the footstep sound effects to better distinguish between your own footsteps versus other player’s footsteps.

– All accounts now start with (6) weapon attachments unlocked for each starter weapon by default:
Flash Hider
Hybrid Flash Hider
Enhanced Flash Hider
Enhanced Compensator

*Players who already purchased these attachments have received up to 5100 GP as compensation.



– Fixed an issue that caused party matchmaking issues if the host was idle in the lobby before matchmaking

– Fixed a map collision on Black Widow that allowed players to boost from a window cage to gain access to the top of a building

– Black Widow – fixed an issue that caused A bombsite stairs to block players that hugged too close to the wall

– Fixed an area on Valley that allowed players to momentarily bypass map collision to see through the map

– Fixed an issue on Valley that allowed players to stand on the Rock ledge near BL spawn

– Fixed an area on Valley that allowed players to survive the fall near the lava

– Fixed localization issues with store prices

– Fixed localization issues on the Item tab

– Fixed localization issues for the Fine Throw daily mission

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11 Kommentare Added

  1. Hey Iceman 707230 XP Xboxdynasty All Star Bronze | 25.08.2022 - 20:13 Uhr

    Habe es nur zum release angespielt und durch die Bugs gleich wieder deinstalliert.Werd wohl dem spiel nochmal ne Chance geben.


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