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    • #464907



      Hier sind noch weiter Bewertungen,
      sehen auch alle recht gut aus!

      Ich freu mich auf Donnerstag.

      Gamestar hat es mit 85 % bewertet

      TeamXbox: 9/10 – Yes, there were faults that I discovered throughout my experience with the game. However, every game has faults, and I viewed this through the lens of a gamer. Did I enjoy this game? Absolutely. Did it scare the crap out of me at times? 100%. Was there a real feeling of survival horror (as opposed to just jumping-scares) that has been sadly lacking from other contemporary zombie games? You bet. So looking at the total package that was brought to the table here, this game is too fun to play and too unique an experience to be really nit-picky on the things that didn’t go exactly as I’d rather them go.

      IGN: 8/10 – Dead Island probably won’t win any game of the year awards. It’s got visual bugs, the controls take a bit to feel normal, and the presentation in general isn’t up to snuff. But the game gets a lot right. There is a huge world to explore, thousands of zombies to kill, and tons of side quests to take. Here on the other side of a 25-hour playthrough — where I skipped a lot of side quests after Act 1 — I’m anxious to get back into Dead Island, and despite the game’s flaws, that’s not something I say often.

      X360A: 84/100 – Dead Island is a huge game and assuming you take the time to complete all of the side missions you will be looking at 30-40 hours to get everything done, even in a team. Such a grand undertaking might be a touch too repetitive for solo play, but this game was designed for co-op and thankfully thrives on it. The story may be hokum, but the experience of being trapped on an island with only the bare minimum in terms of supplies is one that sells itself. You will probably spend as much time hightailing it away from zombies as you do fighting them, but even a great escape can be an adrenaline-pounding thing of beauty. The only issues really are the graphics and mission-related glitches, which are more intrusive than they should be and hold the game back from true greatness. So, pick up a posse, immerse yourself in Banoi and don’t forget the sunscreen… Although perhaps a machete would be a better option.

      Hooked Gamers: 88/100 – If you just like free-roaming and murdering to your heart’s desire, you can. If you just want to collect everything this pretty world has to offer, you can. If a massive full-bodied story-packed action-laden co-op experience is what you seek, Dead Island has got it, and then some.

      SFX360: 9,6/10 – Overall, Dead Island is on my personal top games of 2011 list and will be something I’ll be playing for weeks and weeks. Techland and Deep Silver have done a great job creating and publishing the game. This is a game that any user will have a hard time putting down once you got into the game. I’ll be giving Dead Island 9.6 out of 10, which is what it deserves since it offers so much for gamers. The reason I’m giving it such a good score ranges from the idea of the game, the story itself was brilliant, the ways to mod your weapons, the length of the game lasting around 20 hours or more if you complete all side quest. Just to mention there are 4 players to choose from so you do the math 20+ hours of gameplay times 4 players, which will equal many hours of fun with your friends online. As for „bad“ parts of the game I honestly didn’t see any other than a mission that I and fellow friends were on but I honestly think we broke it by what we were doing to the NPC.

      Electronic Theatre: 85/100 – An altogether impressive game, Dead Island is likely to suffer the same problems finding an audience as Dead Rising. It’s not a game that’s simply about killing zombies, it’s a game designed to challenge the player, offering rewards for continued progression by way of new options for taking down the enemy ranks. It’s a game that throughout its extensive campaign will compel those so inclined to complete its many tasks, unlocking new abilities, creating new weapons and making new friends. It’s a game that promises so much and asks so little, and it’s a game that has clearly earned the attention it has garnered in the run-up to release.

    • #464906



      Der erste deutsche Testbericht ist online,
      und der liest sich gar nicht so schlecht.…land/index.html

      Techland sei Dank! Kein Left-for-Dead-Klon! Kein
      Capcom-Kaufhaus-Gemetzel-Klon! Im Einzelspielermodus ist Dead Island
      genau das, was ich mir von dem Titel von Anfang an versprochen habe:
      kein tumbes Untotengeschlachte, sondern ein atmosphärisch unglaublich
      starkes, packendes Zombie-Ausweich-Action-Rollenspiel, bei dem die
      deftigen Kämpfe mit den Untoten nicht den Mittelpunkt bilden, sondern
      lediglich Mittel zum Zweck sind. Dead Island ist Survival-Horror im
      besten Sinne mit einem unverbrauchten Szenario, viel Abwechslung und
      liebevollen kleinen Reminiszenzen an frühe Werke von Großmeistern wie
      George A. Romero. Ihr müsst stets gut mit Geld und Gegenständen
      haushalten, alternative Taktiken gegen die modrigen Gestalten auf der
      Insel austüfteln und braucht eigentlich nur dann die direkte
      Konfrontation zu suchen, wenn die ekligen Gestalten strategisch wichtige
      Punkte auf der Insel besetzen. Spätestens wenn die verzweifelten
      Stadtbewohner in der sicheren Kirche gemeinsam das „Vater unser“ beten,
      werdet ihr komplett in die Welt von Dead Island hineingesogen.
      Eindeutiger Star des Spiels ist dabei das riesige Eiland, das die
      Bezeichnung „offene Spielwelt“ zur Abwechslung mal wirklich verdient.
      Abseits der Hauptquests gibt es so viele Schicksale, Orte und
      Geheimnisse zu entdecken, dass auch nach einmaligem Durchspielen ein
      enormer Wiederspielwert bleibt. Allein die Hauptgeschichte wird euch 30
      Stunden auf Trab halten, wobei der Handlung allerdings gegen Ende schon
      etwas die Luft ausgeht. Doch Techland hat so viele interessante Gegenden
      und Missionen auf die Insel gepackt, dass man dies locker verschmerzen
      kann. Ebenso wie technische Makel, etwa den sichtbaren Bildaufbau und


    • #462266



      Ich habe eine Pre Order Box und kann Dich werben,
      schicke mir einfach ne Email an [email protected].

Ansicht von 2 Antwort-Themen