Quake II: Update verbessert Spielqualität

Image: Bethesda Softworks

Das erste große Quake II Update ist da und verbessert dabei die Qualität des Shooters in fast allen Bereichen.

Update 1 für Quake II Enhanced ist jetzt verfügbar! Das erste große Update für das Spiel bringt Verbesserungen der Spielqualität, Änderungen an der Spielbalance, Fehlerbehebungen, mehrere bemerkenswerte Fehlerkorrekturen und mehr mit sich.

Der Retro-Shooter Quake II ballert bereits seit August im Xbox Game Pass und beschert euch sogar einige Add-ons und Erweiterungen.


-All Platforms-

General Gameplay

Added controller vibration effects when taking damage
Restored Always Run in the Input Options menu, with separate options for controller and keyboard
Save and load menus will now indicate which campaign a save is from
The Compass, Drop CTF Tech and Use Grapple actions can now be mapped as custom binds from the Input Options menu
Added toggle for Underwater Warp in the Gameplay Options menu
Increased the window in which input is disallowed after disengaging the weapon or inventory wheel to prevent erroneous look input or accidental item/weapon deselection
Disabling View Bob in the Gameplay Options menu bobbing results in fewer residual head bobs
Added missing Tank animation
Improved Compass objective navigation throughout various places in Quake II, The Reckoning, Ground Zero, and Quake II 64
Skipping cinematics now requires the Action key/button to be pressed instead of any key/button
Added an extra chain segment to the Plasma Beam and Grappling Hook when using higher FOVs
Improved cases where momentum would be lost when traveling up stairs
Proper drowning sounds are now used based on selected player model


Added ability to load quick saves and manual saves in online co-op without having to back out to the lobby
Bot chat can now be disabled from Multiplayer Options menu
Added match browser filters and the ability to sort by ping in the Multiplayer/Online/Join Match menu
Raised the maximum number of visible matches in the Multiplayer/Online/Join Match menu from 20 to 50
Excluded full servers from visible matches in the Multiplayer/Online/Join Match menu
Disabled Quake II 64 physics changes when playing Quake II 64 multiplayer maps
Enabled Spawn Furthest by default in competitive game modes
Enabled Auto Join Teams by default for team-based game modes
Raised default Frag Limit to 30
Set multiple cvars as cheat-enabled, disallowing hosts to use them when cheats are disabled
Updated Q2CTF2 (Stronghold Opposition) and Q2CTF3 (The Smelter) to better reflect the original versions of these Capture the Flag maps

PC and Xbox

Added support for PC and Xbox consoles to play on LAN together


Capped maximum FPS to 1,000 prevent possible engine anomalies at higher frame rates
Prioritized Saved Games directory over game install directory when basepath is changed

Balance Changes

-All Platforms-
General Gameplay

Increased Railgun damage from 100 to 125
Monsters will no longer dodge shots coming from the side or behind
The slime and lava traps in The Slimy Place and The Frag Pipe can no longer be avoided
Turrets no longer do extra damage when blind firing
Killing a Brain while its chest is open will now always count as a kill
Monsters will no longer open nearby doors immediately after spawning
Fixbots will abort healing when staggering from pain
The Berserker’s attack can be dodged by jumping when the slam occurs
Added a visual tell to indicate when the Berserker’s jump is being charged up
Added an additional 100ms delay before the Berserker jumps after it is fully charged
Reduced slam attack damage


Removed ladder sounds from multiplayer for balance reasons

Bug Fixes
-All Platforms-
General Gameplay

Reduced vision cone size on monsters waiting in ambush to fix some cases of accidental trap activation
Power shield will no longer reactivate after picking up ammo if it was manually turned off
Power-ups will no longer leave a phantom pickup after a player dies
Fixed crash when a soldier tries to use a run attack against no player

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10 Kommentare Added

  1. Robilein 964505 XP Xboxdynasty All Star Onyx | 04.10.2023 - 10:30 Uhr

    Gestern habe ich es gesehen. War für die Größe des Spiels ein recht großes Update.

  2. Captain Satan 75755 XP Tastenakrobat Level 3 | 04.10.2023 - 11:49 Uhr

    Gut gemeinter Fan-Service in allen Ehren, aber wird das Spiel noch von so vielen Leuten gespielt?

    • Tobi-Wan-Kenobi 109580 XP Master User | 04.10.2023 - 11:59 Uhr

      Hat jedenfalls relativ schnell echt viele Bewertungen im Store gehabt. Ansonsten kann ich’s nicht beurteilen.

    • Economic 43420 XP Hooligan Schubser | 04.10.2023 - 12:07 Uhr

      Weiss nicht wie voll die Server sind. 768 Daumen hoch auf Steam nur für dieses Update.

      Ich warte auf was neus von ID, oder haben die schiss was neues zu bringen?

    • micmon 780 XP Neuling | 04.10.2023 - 12:10 Uhr

      Das Spiel war und ist Topp, absolut spielbar (und wert zu spielen) für jeden. Egal, ob man es von damals kennt oder jetzt zum ersten Mal die Gelegenheit hat es zu spielen.

    • Bratenbengel 11440 XP Sandkastenhüpfer Level 1 | 04.10.2023 - 12:32 Uhr

      Also für mich ist Quake II immer noch einer meiner Top 5 Shooter und diese Version ein absolut tolles Remaster. 👍🏻

  3. Goburd 111645 XP Scorpio King Rang 1 | 04.10.2023 - 12:25 Uhr

    Ein echter Klassiker, war mir zwar immer etwas zu schnell und schwer, aber cool, dass man es mit den modernen Controllern spielen kann.

  4. PlayIT 43155 XP Hooligan Schubser | 04.10.2023 - 20:19 Uhr

    Knapp 25 Stunden habe ich in Quake II geballert…einer der besten Shooter of all Time 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 1000GS natürlich vollgemacht 😇


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