Cyberpunk 2077: Patch 1.23 für alle Plattformen veröffentlicht

Image: CD Projekt RED

CD Projekt Red hat heute Patch 1.23 für Cyberpunkt 2077 veröffentlicht.

Cyberpunk 2077 erhält heute mit Patch 1.23 zahlreiche Verbesserungen auf allen Plattformen. Das Update ist ab sofort erhältlich und beseitigt Quest-Bugs, verbessert die Stabilität und vieles mehr. Die genauen Details gibt es in den Patch Notes.

Der Download hat auf der Xbox Series X eine Größe von 30,27 GB.

Patch 1.23 for Cyberpunk 2077 is live on PC, consoles and Stadia.

You can find the list of changes below:

Quests & Open World

Space Oddity

  • Fixed an issue where the „Open the package“ objective could change location.

Gig: Family Matters

  • Fixed an issue where Juliet’s car could disappear on sight after completing the quest.
  • Fixed a streaming issue in Juliet’s house.
  • Fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to enter Juliet’s house if the player didn’t meet either of the Attribute requirements.

The Heist

  • Fixed an issue where Jackie could go through glass.
  • Fixed an issue preventing some guards from attacking the player.
  • Fixed an issue where the „Search the Arasaka officer“ objective could remain active after fulfilling it.
  • Fixed an issue where the mech didn’t spawn in the lobby.
  • Fixed an issue where some Arasaka guards could clip through the door.
  • Fixed an issue where some guards could spawn on player’s sight.
  • Fixed an issue where Arasaka officer’s body could be unaccessible, making the player unable to loot the shard and blocking progression.

The Nomad

  • Removed unnecessary button prompts.

The Hunt

  • The news segment in the shard from River will now properly play audio.

The Beast in Me

  • Fixed an issue where progression could be blocked if the player left Claire after the Santo Domingo race too early.

Queen of the Highway

  • Fixed an issue where the Basilisk could clip through some of the trees.

Down on the Street

  • Fixed an issue where there were no quest-related dialogue options when talking to Wakako.

Forward to Death

  • Smoke and dust will no longer flicker when riding the Basilisk.

Gig: Goodbye, Night City

  • Fixed an issue where progression could get blocked after rescuing Bruce if the player called Delamain.

Path of Glory

  • Fixed an issue where V could get stuck in the AV if they stood at the landing spot before it arrived.

Gig: No Fixers

  • Fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to open the door to Dakota’s garage at the end of the quest.
  • Fixed an issue where Iris could teleport instead of walking.

Gig: Getting Warmer…

  • Fixed an issue where fixer’s car could drive straight through the intersection instead of turning right.
  • Fixed an issue where the prompt to use the coolant on 8ug8ear could still be selected while plugging her out, which could break the animation.
  • Fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to pick up 8ug8ear.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could spawn underground, blocking progression.

Gig: Many Ways to Skin a Cat

  • Fixed an issue where notifications from Regina regarding this gig could appear during The Heist.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to connect to the computer after failing the quest by destroying the van, which resulted in player getting stuck.
  • Fixed an issue where progression could get stuck on the „Go to the Revere Courier Servies facilities“ objective.

Cyberpsycho Sighting: Where the Bodies Hit the Floor

  • Fixed an issue where after collecting the information the next objective to send it to Regina wouldn’t appear.

Cyberpsycho Sighting: On Deaf Ears

  • Fixed an issue where after collecting the information the next objective to send it to Regina wouldn’t appear.

I Fought the Law

  • Fixed an issue where River wouldn’t be present at the meeting spot before entering Red Queen’s Race.


Fixed an issue where after killing a NPC and stealing their car, their body could get stuck in the car.

Adam Smasher will no longer receive damage during animations between his attack phases.

Fixed an issue where dropping a NPC’s body caused too much destruction.

Cataresist cyberware should now work properly.


Fixed Johnny’s spectral appearance in various quests.

Fixed various issues related to clipping in NPCs‘ clothes.

Fixed appearance of rocks in the Badlands.

The Pickup

  • Fixed an issue where one of the Maelstromers was T-posing.

Stability and performance

Numerous crash fixes in animations, UI, scene, physics and gameplay systems.

Memory optimizations and memory management improvements in various systems (reducing the number of crashes).

Various console CPU optimizations.

Memory and I/O improvement leading to fewer instances of NPCs with identical appearances spawning in the same area, and to improved streaming.


Fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to click the upgrade button while playing with 1280×720 resolution.

Fixed an issue where toggling the Windowed and Fullscreen modes with Alt+Enter made the game appear unresponsive.

[Steam] Changing language settings to default will now set it to the language of the Steam client.

A popup message asking to verify integrity of game data will now be displayed when incomplete or corrupted game data is detected.


Fixed an issue where signing out during a scene fade-out could result in the game being partially unresponsive.

Fixed an issue where the Pause Menu would open again on its own if the Xbox guide and the Pause Menu were closed in quick succession.


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13 Kommentare Added

  1. SanVio70 181360 XP Battle Rifle Man | 17.06.2021 - 13:35 Uhr

    Danke für die Info 👍
    Bin eh gerade am Installieren. Dann kommt das Update gleich mit dazu.

    • SanVio70 181360 XP Battle Rifle Man | 17.06.2021 - 13:44 Uhr

      Ergänzung: Auf der Series X sind es satte 30,27 GB als ‚Patch‘.

      • freecbe 40905 XP Hooligan Krauler | 17.06.2021 - 13:45 Uhr

        Auf der One X exakt gleich Größe!
        Hoffentlich wirds performancemäßig noch besser.

        • SanVio70 181360 XP Battle Rifle Man | 17.06.2021 - 14:07 Uhr

          Aha, interessant. Danke für die Info.
          Ja, kann man nur hoffen, dass es immer noch besser wird.
          In den Patch Notes steht auch etwas dazu. Auf der Series X schon gut spielbar. Hoffentlich auf der One X dann auch jetzt 👍

          • freecbe 40905 XP Hooligan Krauler | 18.06.2021 - 07:14 Uhr

            Voll deiner Meinung,auf der One X wirds mit jedem Update besser!

            • SanVio70 181360 XP Battle Rifle Man | 18.06.2021 - 09:08 Uhr

              Das ist doch erfreulich 👍

              • freecbe 40905 XP Hooligan Krauler | 18.06.2021 - 12:34 Uhr

                Klaro,das konnte CDPR einfach nicht so stehen lassen✌!!

  2. DaveVVave 62955 XP Romper Stomper | 17.06.2021 - 13:54 Uhr

    Passt sehr gut, da ich momentan Feuer und Flamme mit dem Game bin, mal gespannt ob man was merkt von den Verbesserungen, Stabilität ist wie ich schon in einem letzten Beitrag geschrieben habe, leider weiterhin sehr mies 😶😶😶.

  3. Tomplifier 21090 XP Nasenbohrer Level 1 | 17.06.2021 - 14:11 Uhr

    Na hoffentlich kommt das nächstes Jahr in den Game Pass. Dann ist es gesund gepatcht und ich kann es genießen. =)

  4. KingOfKings1605 162035 XP First Star Bronze | 17.06.2021 - 15:21 Uhr

    Wird bei mir noch nicht angezeigt.

  5. DrDrDevil 254140 XP Xboxdynasty Veteran Silber | 17.06.2021 - 16:32 Uhr

    Ist es auf der Last Gen mittlerweile eigentlich spielbar ?

  6. Hey Iceman 677705 XP Xboxdynasty MVP Onyx | 17.06.2021 - 16:40 Uhr

    Neuer Monat neuer Patch:)

  7. Daimos1603 8940 XP Beginner Level 4 | 17.06.2021 - 18:35 Uhr

    Die Patcher sinf wirklich groß. Mal sehen wie viele sie noch herausbringen müssen bis es passt.
