Jurassic World Evolution 2: Cretaceous Predator Pack und Update verfügbar

Image: Frontier Development

Das Cretaceous Predator Pack sowie ein kostenloses Update sind jetzt für Jurassic World Evolution 2 verfügbar.

Mit der heutigen Veröffentlichung von Jurassic World Evolution 2: Cretaceous Predator Pack können sich die Spieler auf vier bedrohliche neue Dinosaurier freuen.

Diese auffälligen neuen Spezies halten ihre Beute in Schach und sorgen für noch mehr Abwechslung in den Parks der Spieler.

Gigantoraptor besticht durch sein beeindruckendes Federkleid, der wendige Concavenator ist dank seines markanten Höckers leicht zu erkennen, während Utahraptor mit seiner schieren Größe und seinen sensenartigen Klauen ein kraftvolles Bild abgibt.

Komplettiert wird die Liste durch Tarbosaurus, einen gigantischen Jäger, der von dem interaktiven Netflix-Special Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous: Hidden Adventure von Universal Pictures, Amblin Entertainment und DreamWorks Animation inspiriert wurde.

Der Premium-DLC wird zusammen mit einem kostenlosen Update eingeführt, das allen Spielern neue Funktionen und Verbesserungen bringt, darunter neue Varianten für bestehende Arten, neue Parkdekorationen und vieles mehr.

Alle Details zum kostenlosen Update verbergen sich hinter dem aufklappbaren Link.

Update 1.9.0 Patch Notes



  • 4 x New Species
    • Gigantoraptor
    • Utahraptor
    • Concavenator
    • Tarbosaurus



  • Allosaurus 2022
  • Dimorphodon 2022
  • Pteranodon 2001
  • Brachiosaurus 2001
  • Stegosaurus 1997


  • Hatcheries can now be automated to more easily manage dinosaur populations. Park managers can set a target population number which the hatchery will aim to maintain
  • Use the automation button on the hatchery to enable it
  • Dinosaurs can be released via the hatchery door or delivered to another enclosure
  • Available in all hatchery types; land, aviary and lagoon


  • This is a new setting to partially randomise the order in which species can be unlocked on the tech tree for both Custom Challenge and Sandbox mode.


  • Selected carnivorous dinosaurs will now chase alongside a same species hunter as they go after their prey
  • Applies to:
    • Yutyrannus
    • Australovenator
    • Concavenator
    • Cryolophosaurus
    • Herrerasaurus
    • Monolophosaurus
    • Utahraptor
    • Troodon


  • Added additional Decorations in all Building Style
    • 2x Bin
    • 1x Sun lounger
    • 3x Bench 1
    • 2x Plant pot
    • 2x Fountain
    • Lagoon Attraction Banner


  • Prebuilt layouts are now available as options in Sandbox and Custom Challenge Mode inspired by Campaign, Challenge and Chaos Theory levels, with existing paths, buildings, enclosures etc…
  • You can find those new preset starting layouts on the following maps:
    • United Kingdom
    • Isla Nublar 1993
    • San Diego
    • Isla Sorna
    • Isla Nublar 2015
    • Sierra Nevada (Dominion Biosyn Expansion)
    • Arizona
    • Washington State
    • Oregon
    • California
    • San Albertus (Dominion Malta Expansion)
    • San Marie (Dominion Malta Expansion)
    • Santaegidius (Dominion Malta Expansion)


  • You can now pass through Tour Gates when manually controlling MVUs & Ranger Team vehicles


  • While in Capture Mode the player can now change the time of day and the weather
  • Time of Day/Weather options will not affect gameplay, and will revert back to default when Capture Mode is closed.
  • Available weather effects are map specific


  • Players can now queue multiple asset releases for Airlift when one is already occurring.


  • A search bar has been added on the Genome Library and the Species Viewer to facilitate the search of species.


  • The feeder menu will now show unresearched items


  • Added a new replacement mode for the path creation tool which will overwrite the paths selected by the brush
  • Players can change the radius of the brush


  • Dinosaurs are now less likely to leave and forget their territory without a clear threat
  • Park Teams can now pass through Biosyn Sanctuary forests when controlled by the AI
  • All alternative vehicle skins available to the player are now present in Custom Challenge mode
  • Adjusted Custom Challenge sabotage risk difficulty tooltip to clarify its functionality
  • Players can now enable/disable the `Comfort` characteristic and `Fussy` trait appropriately in Custom Challenge and Sandbox modes
  • Reduced guest count requirements for Large Hotels so Malta buildings-only playthroughs are more feasible
  • Troodon, Struthiomimus, and other small animals no longer shake the ground when the camera is focused on them
  • Fixed an issue where Transport helicopters would not deliver flying reptiles between Aviaries
  • Add „Decoration Foliage“ setting to Custom Challenge mode, to enable/disable decorative foliage from all biomes
  • Lagoon sections can no longer be deleted while a marine reptile is being transported to that lagoon
  • Dinosaurs are now quicker to eat from hunted prey in certain situations
  • Tuna will no longer obstruct the placement of Decorations and Buildings on edge of Lagoons
  • Research contracts should no longer be offered in Sandbox when research is disabled
  • Fixed rare instances where the players was not being able to sell the Carnotaurus in the Malta campaign
  • The Lagoon Platform is now available in the Malta Campaign
  • Fixed storms not appearing on Biosyn Sanctuary Sandbox levels
  • Single placement tree decorations now use the autumn variants in the autumn temperate square map
  • Dinosaurs will now prioritise eating and drinking over fleeing when these needs are critically low
  • Dinosaur kills by poison now contribute to kill statistics


  • Various stability fixes
  • Various animation fixes
  • Various audio fixes
  • Various text and localisation fixes

Jurassic World Evolution 2: Cretaceous Predator Pack ist ab sofort für PC über Steam, Epic Games Store, Windows Store und GeForce Now, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4 und Xbox One zu einem empfohlenen Verkaufspreis von 7,99 Euro erhältlich.

Im Microsoft Store findet ihr den DLC unter der Bezeichnung Paket „Raubsaurier der Kreide“ für Jurassic World Evolution 2“.

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4 Kommentare Added

  1. Razca 6990 XP Beginner Level 3 | 30.11.2023 - 18:33 Uhr

    Ich mag das Spiel, allerdings sind die DLCs doch etwas teuer.

  2. Mysterio 24925 XP Nasenbohrer Level 2 | 30.11.2023 - 18:39 Uhr

    Wenn ich das so lese bekomme ich direkt Lust das Spiel mal wieder zu starten

  3. Zwiwwelwurscht 2160 XP Beginner Level 1 | 01.12.2023 - 07:59 Uhr

    Das Game muss ich mir unbedingt mal anschauen. Hatte ich bislang keine Zeit, aber bis zum neuen Cities: Skylines kann man das sicher ganz gut zocken 😀


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