Hexworks ist weiterhin dabei, Lords of the Fallen zu verbessern. Daher gibt es heute ein weiteres Update, welches sich unter anderem Änderungen beim Lagersystem vornimmt.
Wer beim Plündern künftig ein volles Inventar befürchtet, der wird sich darüber freuen, dass der letzte infrage kommende Beutegegenstand nun direkt in die Kiste geschickt wird.
Mit dem neuen Update hat der Entwickler zudem weitere Optimierungen und Tweaks im Multiplayer vorgenommen, um die Spielerfahrung zu verbessern.
Welche Korrekturen und Verbesserungen das Update darüber hinaus zu bieten hat, erfahrt ihr in den Patch Notes.
Multiplayer Connectivity – We continue with our commitment to ensuring multiplayer is as smooth and functional as possible, with a further optimization pass focusing on improving online connections with fewer restrictions.
Move Items Into Storage when Inventory Full – With this quality-of-life update we have introduced a new mechanic that automatically sends eligible loot to the Coffer if the inventory is full. We hope this enables Lampbearers throughout Mournstead to go about their journey without repeated trips to the Coffer.
Crash Fixes on AMD Cards – After multiple investigations on our end and with our partners at AMD, we have found a solution that we hope will drastically decrease certain crashes on AMD cards. As always, if you do run into any crashes, please send a crash report if possible.
In light, we walk.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer where players could escape an invasion zone by jumping on the moth wall from the wooden platform at Sanctuary of Baptism.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could result in an invading player becoming buffed from a spell cast by the host.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer that may cause the co-op partner to see „Activate Vestige“ prompt after resting even if the Vestige was already activated.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer that may allow co-op partners to use Sanguinarix upon being revived in the boss encounter with the Spirit of the Bleak Season.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer that may allow co-op partners to use Sanguinarix upon being revived against the Scarlet Shadow.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could allow invading players to interact with enemies by soulflaying, causing enemies to be attracted to the invader.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer that may cause a player host’s inputs to become unresponsive after an interaction with the Effigy of Reincarnation, if a co-op partner begins a cinematic at the same time.
- Adjusted multiplayer to allow simultaneous matchmaking for invasions and cooperative sessions.
- Fixed an issue that allowed two invasion areas to overlap, which could allow both to be triggered simultaneously at Skyrest Bridge.
- Fixed an issue where the character name would change when using certain special characters upon joining a multiplayer session.
- Fixed an issue where players could change the body type by using the right analog stick in the Mirror of Distortion.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Lamp and Ranged UI to be displayed incorrectly near Vestige Seedlings.
- Fixed an issue that may not allow players to rotate Pieta’s NPC model in the 3D Gallery with a controller.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the next button prompt to not appear when customizing the player character’s head.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the text labels for head shapes to be positioned incorrectly and appear in the menus for hair and beard in the character customizer.
- Added new text to the Coffer interaction UI to properly indicate the usage of the Coffer.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Scarlet Shadow to not appear in the 3D Gallery.
- Updated the interaction icons of the in-game music player.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Proselyte to not be able to reach and attack players if they went through the alcove.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Abiding Defender from becoming staggered, if their health points were reduced to 0 with a single attack.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Mendacious Visage to respawn after resting in Fief of the Chill Curse.
- Fixed an issue that may cause players to bypass an enemy shielded by an Umbral parasite when using a Grievous Strike.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Judge Cleric to re-cast her Holy Buff skill, if players repeatedly used soulflay during her cast animation.
- Fixed an issue that caused Ruiners to lose aggro on the balcony in Bramis Castle.
Level Design
- Fixed an issue that could allow players to become stuck in an inaccessible area near the building above the fire witch in Upper Calrath.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Judge Cleric to not be able to attack players if they stood near a specific spot in the boss arena.
- Fixed an issue that could the camera to clip through environment assets near the cemetery close to the entrance to Lower Calrath.
- Fixed an issue where Heavenly Vial did not heal players‘ withered health pool.
- Fixed an issue present in NG+ where spells could be duplicated by utilizing the Coffer.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Failed Pilgrim’s Garb to become deformed when players use the two-handed stance with a weapon.
- Fixed an issue that may cause petrified Kukajin to be destroyed if players jumped on her.
- Fixed an issue that may result in Pieta’s Sanguinarix upgrade animation being cancelled when accessing the inventory.
- Fixed a collision issue that could cause bodies to float during the boss encounter with the Congregator of Flesh.
- Fixed an issue that could result in players becoming stuck behind a ladder after being chased and attacked by the Scarlet Shadow near the Bellroom.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to trigger the boss encounter in Cistern without entering the boss arena.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Hushed Saint to become stuck in place if shot down whilst mounted.
- Fixed an issue that caused incorrect input focus with the virtual keyboard in Steamdeck and Big Picture Mode.
- Fixed an issue that could result in the ambient music rapidly stopping whilst players walk through the doorway leading to the Tower of Penance.
Habs durch, geiles Game. Hilfsbereite Xbox Community, hab einen über die Spielerische eingeladen für nen Boss, der hat mir erstmal massig Zeug hingeschmissen zum Leveln und Waffen upgraden, geil.
Die Optimierung freut mich geduldig sein zahlt sich einfach aus.
Lords of the Patches. 😉
Naja es war trotz seiner zahlreichen Schwächen motivierend genug um es durchzuziehen. Unterm Strich war es aber enttäuschend.
Mich treibt es nicht nochmal ins Spiel.
Nach wie vor höchstinteressiert an dem Spiel aber man hört so viele gemischte Meinungen, ich warte wohl bis zum letzten Update ehe ich reintauche
Hab jetzt alle drei Enden durch, wenn die technischen Mängel mal behoben werden sollte, dann würde ich es auf einen Level wie die Dark Souls Teile sehen.
Die Nutzung der Lampe und das wechseln der Welten sollte bei einem Nachfolger dringen beibehalten und aufgebaut werden.
Was ich auch gut finde, bei einem NG+ kann man auch entscheiden ob man es schwerer oder gleich schwer haben will, da man ja seine Werte und Ausrüstung behält kann man sich dann beim weiterem Durchgang auf die NPC Quest und die anderen Enden konzentrieren.
Alles seitens des Entwicklers an Featuren beworbene und nun auch durch dich bestätigte macht mich wirklich vorfreudig auf eine Version welche technisch standhält. Glaube wirklich der größte Kritikpunkt bleibt bei den Framedrops aber das wird auch eines Tages klappen. Danke dir für deine Zeit und deine Schilderung!
Die Framedrops sind meistens immer an der selben Stelle oder man muss halt Spiel neu starten.