Kingdom Come: Deliverance: Update 1.5 für Xbox One erschienen

Image: Deep Silver

Für das Rollenspiel Kingdom Come: Deliverance ist das Update 1.5 für Xbox One erschienen.

Heute hat Entwickler Warhorse Studios das Update 1.5 für Kingdom Come: Deliverance auf Xbox One veröffentlicht. Mit dem jüngsten Update wurden über 200 Fehler im Spiel beseitigt und die Animationen bei Frauenkleidern neu simuliert. In Kirchen könnt ihr euch zudem fortan von euren Sünden reinwaschen.

Patch Notes für Update 1.5

New features:

  • Henry can now wash away his sins by buying indulgences in
  • Physically simulated women’s clothing added.
  • We scattered 16 new lore books around the world.
  • Any forgotten or despawned quest items will now be moved to the
    gravedigger’s chest and the player will be notified via new quest“Lost
    and Found“.

Fixed issues:

  • Guards no longer drop halberds. All previously dropped halberds
    deleted. This should fix many performance and camera twitching
  • Several bugs that caused abnormal CPU usage fixed. This should
    improve performance for many players.
  • Optimized lighting in battles should give the player few more FPS.
  • Several crashes at the beginning of the first two quests fixed.
  • Any remaining issues with going through doors should be fixed.
  • Slow loading of detailed textures after long game sessions fixed.
  • Archery tournament no longer causes inability to save.
  • Infinite fader in archery tournament will no longer appear.
  • Three more activities now have initial map markers.
  • The game now autosaves on completion of most of the quests.
  • The game now consistently autosaves before critical story events.
  • Several helmet shadows added. Should fix any odd shadows of
  • Many endless faders after dialogues fixed.
  • NPCs now can swap weapons from melee to ranged faster.
  • NPCs now reacts to player aiming at them with a bow and will try to
    get to him faster, instead of only reacting to being shot at as
  • NPCs being aimed at or shot at will no longer approach the player in
    a straight line.
  • A bug that prevented the player from talking to Father Godwin in
    Mysterious Ways fixed.
  • Corrupted autosave at the start of „Homecoming“ quest fixed.
  • It is no longer possible to stealth-kill NPCs in narrow spaces without
    playing the animation.
  • Cages in the quest „A Bird in the Hand…“ should no longer disappear.
    Any players with the quest in progress will have the quest reset.
  • Master Karel now correctly goes to play dice in the evenings. So the
    player can win all his money in „Rocketeer“ quest.
  • Executioner Hermann no longer keeps beating the player
    unconscious when he is angry.
  • Tutorial for axe and mace master strikes fixed.
  • Miller Peshek can no longer get stuck in lockpicking tutorial.
  • It is no longer possible to lockpick Peshek’s tutorial trunk before
    starting the tutorial, which was causing the tutorial to fail.
  • Novice Antonius should no longer get stuck after saving while he
    investigates the blood.
  • Talking to Antonius before passing out from poison no longer ends in
    infinite fader.
  • When the player is ambushed during fast travel he will be placed
    much closer to the enemies.
  • Parts of Rattay Rathaus are now properly locked.
  • Killing important NPCs during „Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing“ quest now
    properly fails the quest.
  • Erik now has lower RPG stats and is easier to persuade. This should
    make the achievement/trophy Freud easier to achieve.
  • The player can no longer evade some crimes by being mounted on a
  • Knocking out Margaret during „Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing“ can no longer
    break the quest.
  • Killing the scouts near the mines before „The King’s Silver“ quest no
    longer causes infinite fader in that quest.
  • Loading the autosave from „The King’s Silver“ quest will no longer skip
    one of the cutscenes in that quest.
  • Final skirmish in „Robber Baron“ quest no longer fails to start.
  • The player no longer has the option to fix the leg of one of the
    wounded if the wounded NPC is dead, which cause the game to
  • It is no longer possible to drop off the horse in „Run!“ quest when the
    player skips the cutscene.
  • Encouraging Procopius to have his tooth pulled now works even when
    the player has „Rocketeer“ quest started.
  • Objective now properly fails and gives more information in the journal
    in „The House of God“ quest when the player doesn’t meet Zmola at
    the scaffolding.
  • „Gallows Brothers“ quest can now be properly finished even when the
    player steals the money in Talmberg.
  • Hidden places in the monastery where the player could access his
    horse inventory removed.
  • NPCs should no longer sink into terrain on collision in Rattay.
  • It is now always possible to knock on the bathhouse door in the „Next
    to Godliness “ quest.
  • Saving the game while carrying a corpse no longer makes NPCs see
    the corpse even after the player drops it.
  • Fritz and Matthew are no longer frightened by corpses during „A Rock
    and a Hard Place“ quest.
  • Any successful transaction now slightly raises reputation with traders
    based on the transaction amount – only up to 75 reputation.
  • Ambushers now carry torches at night.
  • The player is now officially allowed to hunt in the forest after being
    named Master Huntsman.
  • The probability of ambush by just one stronger opponent is now much
  • It is no longer possible to kill your opponents in „Chumps“ minigame
    without triggering crime.
  • There should be more chatter dialogues between NPCs about the
    deeds the player did.
  • And 200 other bugs fixed.

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8 Kommentare Added

  1. BLACK 8z 81900 XP Untouchable Star 1 | 05.06.2018 - 16:41 Uhr

    Macht XD da mal wieder nen Test wie es mit den ganzen Patches nun läuft etc.?
    Wäre bestimmt interessant

  2. DarrekN7 106760 XP Hardcore User | 05.06.2018 - 16:49 Uhr

    Wow, da haben die nach den Reibereien um Patch 1.4x aber ordentlich Gas gegeben.?? Muss es unbedingt nochmal spielen, zumal es zur E3 Infos über das erste Addon geben soll.

  3. Rapza624 98700 XP Posting Machine Level 4 | 05.06.2018 - 17:01 Uhr

    Gut, dass hier so viel nachgebessert wird. Grundsätzlich interessiert mich das Spiel ja, aber die Bugs von denen ich gehört hatte, sowie mein Pile of Shame haben mich bislang an einem Kauf gehindert. Wenn die Bugs dann nicht mehr so zahlreich sind …

  4. Archimedes Boxenberger 233040 XP Xboxdynasty Veteran Bronze | 05.06.2018 - 17:26 Uhr

    Hoffe ja hier dass das Spiel im e3 Sale für nen fairen Preis zu haben ist… Habe schon vor das Spiel jetzt wo die gröbsten Bugs raus sind zu spielen

  5. JahJah192 45275 XP Hooligan Treter | 05.06.2018 - 18:28 Uhr

    die nichtladenden Texturen selbst auf mittlere Distanz sind leider nach wie vor ungepatched. glaube dahingehend tut sich auch nix mehr…fänd ich schon wichtiger als die Simulation von irgendwelchen Kleidern

    • Duck-Dynasty 81400 XP Untouchable Star 1 | 05.06.2018 - 19:29 Uhr

      Auf der OneX?

      • JahJah192 45275 XP Hooligan Treter | 06.06.2018 - 09:14 Uhr


  6. Gz G II Taifun 7025 XP Beginner Level 3 | 05.06.2018 - 19:54 Uhr

    bin gerade dabei es zu zocken. gefällt mir sehr gut und macht richtig spass, leider trüben die diversen bugs und fehler bei missionen oder anderen dingen das ganze doch ein bisschen, schade wäre sonst für mich ein richtiger Knüller
