Surviving the Aftermath: Neue Anführer, überarbeiteter Tech-Tree und Grafik-Verbesserungen verfügbar

Image: Paradox Interactive

Für Surviving the Aftermath wurde Update 4 mit neuen Anführern, einem überarbeitetem Tech-Tree, Grafik-Verbesserungen und mehr ausgerollt.

Paradox Interactive und Iceflake Studios haben Update 4: Great Minds veröffentlicht, das nächste große Content-Update für das postapokalyptische Kolonie-Aufbauspiel Surviving the Aftermath. Das Great Minds-Update fügt neue Anführer von Gesellschaften auf der Weltkarte, einen überarbeiteten Tech-Tree, verbesserte Grafiken der Kolonie und vieles mehr hinzu.

Inhalte von Update 4: Great Minds

Gesellschaftliche Verbesserungen: Gesellschaften auf der Weltkarte haben jetzt Anführer, denen die Spieler bei der Interaktion mit anderen Kolonien begegnen. Derzeit gibt es zehn verschiedene Anführer mit jeweils eigenen Persönlichkeiten und Hintergrundgeschichten. Diese Anführer gewinnen in Zukunft mehr an Bedeutung, da die Gameplay-Funktionen, um Diplomatie, Handeln und weitere Features erweitert werden.

Überarbeiteter Tech-Tree: Der Technologiebaum wurde von Grund auf neu aufgebaut und verfügt nun über fünf Hauptforschungslinien mit alternativen Routen und optionalen Unterzweigen. Die Erforschung des Technologiebaums bis hin zur Komplettierung der Technologiepunkte benötigt zusätzliche Zeit. Das Freischalten des Tech-Trees beinhaltet neben neuen Gebäuden auch Upgrades bestehender Strukturen. Insgesamt gibt es 78 Technologien, diese werden in zukünftigen Updates noch erweitert.

Grafische Verbesserungen: Die Ansicht auf die Kolonie wurde optisch grundlegend überarbeitet. Dazu gehören aktualisierte Nachbearbeitungseffekte, Verbesserungen der Wiedergabetreue, Höhenunterschiede bei ausgewachsenen Bäumen und vieles mehr.

Zusätzlich zu diesen Funktionen enthält dieses Update eine Reihe von Verbesserungen, die von der Community gefordert wurden.

Update 4 Patch Notes


  • Completely new Tech tree with new techs and tech types!
    • 79 techs to unlock In total.
    • Inside each main line there are alternative routes and optional sub-branches.
    • Techs now unlock buildings and as a new feature, other improvements as well.
    • Unlocking tech now also requires time in addition to science points.
  • [Community request] Specialists and Vehicles can now be automatically sent back to the colony.
  • Hovering over resources in Storage buildings will now show a tooltip with the name of the resource.
  • Updates to Twitch integration settings.
  • Survivor group icon at the gate will no longer disappear during save & load.
  • Improvements to command handling in the World Map.
  • Hovering over multiple overlapping objects in the colony now works in a more intuitive way.
  • Water quality setting is now correctly selected with the running GPU type.
  • Time of day and speed controls now have tooltips.
  • Multiple localization issues fixed.
  • Zoom In and Zoom Out keybindings reversed for correct behavior.
  • Status of persons clothes and tools are now shown as color bars in the person’s info panel.
  • Xbox: Mouse cursor is no longer visible in the Main Menu when launching the game.


  • Societies now have Leaders and they can be interacted with! This will be improved in the future with new mechanics to interact with societies, improved trading etc.
    • Selecting a society in the world map opens a society menu where the leader greets the player in different ways based on the reputation level.
  • [Community request] World map movement lines now show how many days each movement action will take to complete.
  • Fixes to the Vehicle repair system:
    • More assigned Specialists means faster repairs.
    • Vehicles take damage while traveling on the World Map.
    • Fuel resource is used to repair the damage.
    • Garage UI now properly updates while the info panel is open.
  • Trapper efficiency now correctly changes after trees are cut from the work area.
  • Medicine and Iodine amounts are now correctly shown in the top bar.
  • Amount of survivors in a survivor group will no longer scale too much with the population.
  • Large plank deposit added, with multiple graphical variations.
  • Seven new events added with new illustrations.


  • General visual overhaul was done to the game:
    • Post processing and lighting greatly improved.
    • Normal maps for most of the objects improved.
    • Height variation added to full grown trees.
    • Ground texture improvements.
  • Concrete extractor no longer rotates incorrectly during animation.
  • All colonist 3D models have been updated.
  • Specialist 3D models now display additional items on the world map. Can’t venture into the wasteland without the proper equipment!
  • Vehicle and their damage models improved, sounds were added to vehicles.
  • Crops are now correctly aligned in the medium-sized field.
  • Food storage building model changed.
  • Gate now has banners with the colony symbol instead of a flag.
  • Gate now opens when accepting a survivor group.
  • Colonists and Specialists now have variations to their idle animations.
  • Depleting large resource deposits can be seen visually in the 3D model.


  • [Community request] Birth rate algorithm in the colony has been changed, this should reduce the number of babies born in the colony.
  • Sawmill now needs to be unlocked in the tech tree and uses Energy.
  • Several “un-teched” building values adjusted down to balance them with the new Techs.
  • Reduced the amount of Fiber production from Trapper, Recycler and Plastic Extractor.
  • Sunflower seeds can now be gained from events.
  • Locations now have more Science Points to compensate for the greatly increased tech count.
  • Catastrophe warning time reduced to one day without a Radar, which increases it to three.
  • Number of vehicles on the World Map reduced slightly.
  • Soybean yield decreased, insect farm production increased to compensate for spending more resources on them.
  • Increased the time Specialists need to recover back to full health.
  • Increased the amount of resources Specialists scavenge per action.


  • Added support for setting building animations and state through WorkStateConfig.
  • Added support for adding DamageVisualizer to building prefabs to show custom building damage models.

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2 Kommentare Added

  1. Z0RN 440395 XP Xboxdynasty Veteran Onyx | 07.02.2020 - 13:46 Uhr

    Die hauen Updates ohne Ende raus, kann das sein? Spielt das jemand hier aktiv?

    • Crusader onE 89705 XP Untouchable Star 4 | 07.02.2020 - 14:20 Uhr

      hm, ne. Aber das youtube gameplay sieht ganz cool aus. Ich muss erstmal Frostpunk weiter spielen! 😀
