Heute veröffentlichte Saber Interactive ein neues Update, mit dem die Cross-Play-Funktion in World War Z aktiviert wurde. Spieler auf Xbox One und PC können fortan gemeinsam spielen. Das Cross-Play soll in Zukunft auch um die Plattform PlayStation 4 erweitert werden.
Ebenfalls im Update enthalten sind neue Missionsziele, Waffen Varianten und ein Balancing für den Horde Z-Modus.
Alle Details zum Update findet ihr in den Patch Notes
Cross-Play-Update Patch Notes
New Features
- Added Virus Sample functionality in Campaign
- AI Director will randomly spawn containers with Virus Sample that players can pick up
- Virus samples can spawn from Bombers that are taken down without them exploding.
- The containers are fragile and they will begin to apply negative effects to players as they break.
- If players will manage to finish the mission with containers intact, they will get increased rewards
- AI Director can spawn several Virus Samples, Bomber will also drop them
- Added 4 new weapon variants with unique perks
- Pistol – Increased penetration and damage vs special zombies.
- Machine Pistol – Full auto variant, reloads primary weapon after a special zombie kill.
- Classic Battle Rifle – Semi auto variant, no penetration but deals a lot of damage.
- Battle Rifle – Full auto variant.
- Thumper Grenade Launcher – Incendiary grenades.
- War Heroes character skin pack (included for Season Pass owners)
Horde Mode
- Slightly reduced difficulty in Hard mode
- Significantly reduced difficulty in Normal mode
- Less Special Zombies will spawn in Normal mode
- Increased preparation timer between waves by 20% in Normal mode
- Supply points rewards will begin to scale down later in Normal mode
- Added significantly more random pickups in Normal mode
- Increased Auto Turret maximum ammo
- Capped by 10 the amount of Auto Turrets that could be placed simultaneously
- Fixed one of the shops not spawning items
- Reduced the amount of ammo secondary weapons drain from ammo boxes by 50%
- Reduced ammo crate cost from 100 to 70
- Significantly increased both XP and currency rewards
- Tweaked Extreme difficulty settings to restore pre-patch balance (it was changed to support crossplay)
- AI Director will spawn less secondary weapon pickups
- Reworked Bomber drop, he will spawn better Primary and Heavy weapons when killed
- Fixed several issues with perks stacking
- Minor UI and localization fixes
- Fixed several gameplay crashes
- Fixed some gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels
- Fixed issue that allowed players to clip through geometry in some places
PC Specific Fixes
- Added crossplay between Xbox in PvE
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